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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
22027QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
19749QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalstd::bad_alloc on otf reprojection2019-02-23 11:41 PM
17094QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPoint Selection Fails in Antarctic Projections2019-03-13 09:40 AM
21478QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalInconsistent behaviour of digitizing toolbox and line measure tool 2019-03-05 03:52 PM
19257QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPython error when overwriting SHP-file2018-06-25 12:18 PM
22031QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighv.clean UnicodeDecodeError when special character (German Umlaute) in path2019-05-09 12:42 PM
21837QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS 3+ Print Layout very-very slow zooming and manipulations with elements2019-04-12 10:30 PM
19487QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Style Manager] Missing Favorites category in the "select by group" dialog from "Export symbols" 2018-07-25 06:26 PM
20091QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWCS request for a GeoServer ImageMosaic reports invalid layer provider2019-04-12 04:44 PM
22030QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalError importing cover from Geoserver WFS service2019-05-09 12:38 PM
19491QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowClick in inactive QGIS window triggers actions!2018-08-01 09:54 AM
22010QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighRaster calculator, abs() not working2019-05-09 09:20 AM
19276QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7 digitising bug 'Could not Commit changes' 2019-01-28 10:53 AM
20559QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCopy>paste from a grass polygon layer gives unexpected results2019-01-28 10:52 AM
22047QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrashed with Field Calculator2019-05-11 05:27 PM
21833QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighTopological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS2019-04-11 08:16 PM
21895QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDefault values and expression calculator not working together2019-04-23 09:13 AM
19626QGIS ApplicationBug reportReopenedNormalWorld map incorrectly drawn when using a different projection than the data source2019-05-24 02:50 AM
22005QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCannot load GPX file automatically after creating it QGIS 3.4.7 QGIS 3.6.22019-05-09 09:17 AM
21898QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work2019-04-23 03:31 PM
21225QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalsql "order by" does not work with the "Add/Edit Virtual Layer" feature2019-02-11 11:07 AM
21831QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-11 04:16 PM
20906QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after saving attribute form style (or digitising a feature) or after customising the drag and drop designer2019-05-22 11:11 AM
21891QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalNo snap when selecting point of rotation2019-04-20 03:21 PM
21815QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighEditing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS2019-04-10 06:48 PM
19527QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalsymbol selector dialog size2018-08-02 02:08 PM
21463QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalUnable to display some rasters in canvas2019-03-05 04:03 PM
18924QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMeasurement tool window not visible2018-07-31 06:21 PM
17804QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Guides information panel only checks first page of the layout2019-03-09 07:10 PM
18873QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalXYZ Tile Server with custom CRS not working in 2.18 LTS2019-01-21 01:38 PM
21999QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash on update pg layer (postgis)2019-05-07 09:39 AM
21459QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalDB manager does not confirm anymore that the creation of a PostGIS table went ok2019-04-10 05:17 PM
21806QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashes after panning the map canvas2019-04-10 05:20 PM
22098QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSource window GCP point not showing2019-05-18 12:18 AM
21809QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalwhen pasting features to postgresql layer, attributes that are a primary key do not have the values pasted2019-04-11 11:15 PM
21555QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalalgorithms extract by location or select by location no longer respect the deactivation of irrelevant operators.2019-03-11 11:52 AM
21804QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQgshandlebadlayers Browse button not working2019-04-10 05:33 PM
19118QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash when clicking browse button in attachment edit widget2019-05-22 11:41 AM
21547QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalQGIS crashed when use file browser2019-03-11 02:29 PM
21018QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLayout variables list not updated when a new variable is added programmatically.2019-01-17 10:03 AM
21633QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCreate Print Layout2019-03-21 02:57 AM
21819QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalgdal2tiles very slow compared to QGIS 2.182019-04-18 02:02 PM
21802QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackNormalOverwrite of layer within Geopackage does not trigger updates/cleanups/maintenance as it should2019-04-10 06:12 PM
18361QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWhen adding raster layers, the layers are sorted in the reverse order from the selection in the file open dialog2018-11-22 05:37 AM
21814QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalsource fields list does not update when layer is overwritten2019-04-10 06:10 PM
21801QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalShow Feature Count not updating properly2019-04-10 05:49 PM
19486QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Style Manager] Rename "select by group" into "select by category"2018-07-25 06:23 PM
14381QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalOTF projection affects 2.5d renderer2019-03-11 04:04 PM
21792QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when creating mapset2019-04-10 05:38 PM
19485QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalStyle Manager: hard to identify selected items in the "Export symbols" dialog if using "Select by group" button2019-03-15 05:17 AM

1 ... 60 61 62 63 64 (3051-3100/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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