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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
20544QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCrashing on snapping in meter unit when layer CRS is in degrees2018-11-19 04:04 PM
21229QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalFile dialogs in FlatPak version of QGIS revert to default directory2019-02-11 02:42 PM
21932QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMap Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout2019-05-01 06:15 PM
17679QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLength tools doesn't honor Z2019-01-21 10:14 AM
22113QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalAttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'exc_type' 2019-05-21 01:05 PM
22114QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighAll menus and tables are magnified :/2019-05-21 02:38 PM
20735QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQgis Madeira closing with Pendriveou external HD2018-12-07 02:18 PM
18003QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Layouts] Button menus behavior is not consistent with main window's2019-03-09 07:03 PM
17718QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCRS selector: Extent is not displayed for all CRS2019-03-09 07:39 PM
22066QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalValid file URL link fails in Identify window2019-05-14 09:18 AM
21318QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalTopology checker does not checks gaps and overlaps2019-03-09 08:57 PM
22115QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMoving a panel over another in dual-screen workspace crashes the app2019-05-21 05:30 PM
21203QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal']' keyboard (alt-gr + '+' ) not working on QGis 3.4.4 with Spanish or Italian keyboard - Windows2019-02-11 08:36 AM
19975QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighcrash when enabling drop shadow on label background svg2018-11-19 11:15 AM
20540QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLow[Expressions]Function parameters display is not triggered when there's a space after the function name2018-11-18 12:03 PM
20539QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Expression] Function parameters are not shown for all functions while filling them2018-11-18 11:49 AM
20487QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGeometry type not detected when loading query to canvas using MakePoint for geometry (DBManager)2018-12-11 02:17 PM
21518QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalResize layout window will cause system hang if map contains ArcGIS map server layer2019-03-08 09:36 AM
21342QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCan't visualize jpg files on Windows2019-03-08 09:08 AM
19557QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes when adding multiple WFS layers from a geoserver instance2019-02-12 07:47 PM
14913QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalFresh plugin includes obsolete stuff2016-05-27 10:49 PM
15739QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWrong "Zoom to layer" extent on a shapefile layer with logically deleted records2019-03-10 06:03 PM
19564QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPostgreSQL sequences not always used when adding feature2019-05-22 06:40 PM
20780QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCannot copy text in QGIS 3.4.2 with either Ctrl-C or by context menu2018-12-11 08:36 PM
15149QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDigitizing: Reshape tool doesn't take into account selection2019-03-09 03:30 PM
15175QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDigitizing: "Fill Ring" tool doesn't consider all the overlapping features2019-03-09 03:30 PM
15174QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDigitizing: "Add Ring" tool doesn't consider all the overlapping features2019-03-09 03:30 PM
12998QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowWarn users when using graduated/categorized/rule-based renderer and no rules have been specified2019-03-09 03:31 PM
19512QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCannot access to Georeferencer dialog if this was used on an external monitor2019-05-15 04:20 PM
21246QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighComposer Crashes QGIS when memory required is somewhat above 1500 MB2019-03-08 10:40 AM
15263QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCustomization: Tools selected with the widget catcher are kept selected even if the dialog is cancelled2019-03-09 03:31 PM
14769QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalFiltering in QGIS browser only returns result in already opened folders or databases2019-03-09 03:33 PM
18030QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLayer Panel / Treeview items resize to mega and keep doing that2019-03-10 06:01 PM
21673QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalUnable to add new features in QGIS for PostGIS table using sequence for gid. Not providing nextval('sequencename'::regclass) in editor form or attribute table2019-05-23 10:56 AM
21949QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighProcessing OGR based tools: encoding changed in outputs2019-05-01 06:54 PM
20859QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalqgis uninstalled from debian buster after routine update/upgrade due to bad dependency on libhdf5-1002019-03-10 12:31 AM
17493QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3D uses a lot of CPU even when idle2019-03-10 12:25 AM
22120QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowField_name in actions2019-05-22 09:16 AM
21928QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighediting in spatial oracle2019-05-02 10:05 AM
15873QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDB Manager: add and edit table: several issues with data types2019-03-09 03:33 PM
15968QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalIdentify results panel: tweaks for usability2019-03-09 03:33 PM
20189QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMuted colours in legend when exporting as PDF 2019-03-09 08:56 PM
21744QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalqml with svg save not relative path2019-04-03 11:40 AM
21241QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste between tables is much more slower compare to 2.182019-02-12 12:39 PM
20777QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Crash - Creating 3D Map View2018-12-11 04:51 PM
17603QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighArea calculation issue changing the Coordinate Reference System2019-03-09 07:19 PM
20694QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQgsVectorLayer 's addFeatures function crashes the app2018-12-02 01:14 PM
17691QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighApplying any file-based qml style to a postgres table results in applying its default style2019-03-09 03:34 PM
21250QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS 3 Layer Filter error with Unicode field name2019-03-09 04:57 PM
18298QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalFilter expression on virtual layer is not saved2019-03-09 03:34 PM
21972QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowinside the Layer's panel, can't see if a layer is checked or not, when its line is highlighted (in dark blue)2019-05-02 10:29 AM
19672QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQLR files are not stored with absolute paths even though the project setting is changed to absolute paths2019-05-01 06:11 PM
18376QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalZoom tool UI: large scale jumps from small mouse movement (hand tremor)2019-03-09 03:35 PM
18381QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalError warnings upon startup2019-03-09 03:35 PM
17299QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalHistogram for graduated style in layer properties disappears when the layer properties window is too small2019-04-03 12:40 PM
19801QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighWFS not working at all2019-03-08 11:33 AM
18419QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalError exporting layout with "." (full stop) in filename2019-03-09 03:35 PM
18443QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowData Source Manager | PostgreSQL doesn't clear selected layers in list after you close2019-03-09 03:35 PM
20535QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQCA init crash with bundled Qt AND installed Qt2019-05-15 10:16 PM
21530QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalerror at the end of SAGA logs2019-03-08 06:23 PM
21911QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalInvarid value for Custom Variables in "Read Me.rtf" in Mac OSX 3.4.6 dmg2019-05-15 10:15 PM
21198QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBatch processing progress bar never completes2019-03-08 10:43 AM
21175QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when opening the attribute table in form view mode2019-03-08 10:41 AM
20753QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWKT output is wrong for EMPTY geometries2019-01-29 09:31 AM
21756QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLabel Margin Clips Text2019-04-03 08:06 PM
19016QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLimits in labels for raster symbology in discrete interpolation method are not shown2019-03-09 09:27 AM
21575QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS doesn't work properly with WFS 2.0.0 combined with OGC HTTP URI srsName style (e.g. 11:32 AM
21532QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHigh[node tool] nodes on the locked item remains highlighted after toggle editing2019-03-09 07:47 AM
21452QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighr.series broken in Processing due to wrong "range=0,0" pre-definition2019-03-08 07:22 PM
21690QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQgis 3.4.6-Madeira composer crash opening layout2019-03-29 02:03 PM
21694QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighHang/Crash when attempting to drag&drop multiple layers into gpkg2019-03-29 02:00 PM
21703QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash on QgsSymbolLayer call2019-04-02 12:47 PM
21709QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDB Manager python error on layer preview2019-05-09 01:41 PM
21758QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSnapping to grid/objects does not work with rotated item2019-04-03 08:12 PM
10263QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighFreeze using "Select By Location" (or the spatial query tool) for complex polygon and points2019-02-12 07:43 AM
20728QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalAuxiliary storage rotation or offset fields for symbols are visible by default while labels are not2018-12-04 07:54 PM
20607QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMSsql Invalid layer2018-11-28 01:42 PM
21711QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQuit menu disabled in QGIS Mac2019-03-30 08:52 PM
20925QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalNetwork KML not refreshing2019-03-09 10:16 AM
8359QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowRemove warning about WMS2019-03-09 04:10 PM
8020QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowDo not list MBR as tables in Oracle2019-03-09 04:13 PM
15753QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalProcessing: help users in setting up paths2019-03-09 03:27 PM
6478QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd user comments2016-01-31 11:40 PM
13487QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS allows to create tables with invalid field names2019-03-09 03:24 PM
20107QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalInconsistent number of decimal places in Identify tool2019-03-09 10:15 AM
6390QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowSize of bar on canvas: weird behaviour2019-03-09 04:22 PM
21979QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal"Order by expression" doesn't order anything2019-05-02 05:44 PM
6332QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWCS: the button to cancel download does nothing2019-03-09 04:24 PM
1051QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowGRASS rasters values/labels are not shown in legend/colormap tab2019-03-09 04:26 PM
20563QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMySQL connection fails2019-03-09 11:06 AM
21762QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalAttribute Table object cannot have arbitrary dimensions2019-04-03 08:47 PM
20621QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalReport doesn't seem to allow attribute tables to be linked to the current atlas2019-03-09 10:48 AM
20453QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLabeling style options reduced for default font on Windows 102019-03-09 10:11 AM
3112QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowPlugin Offline editing: warn if copying views2019-03-09 04:26 PM
19526QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS3 crashes on loading plugin manager2019-03-06 05:29 PM
21508QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSaving Layer Theme discards subgroup selection2019-03-07 06:48 PM
21981QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGraduated symbology classes in histogram tab2019-05-03 08:58 AM
21144QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighSnapping tooltips + advanced digitizing QGIS not responding2019-03-01 08:38 PM
20734QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashes on "Create new location" in GRASS New Mapset window2019-03-09 10:07 AM
21952QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS Server does not well provide type for virtual field.2019-05-16 10:26 AM
21301QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBuffer layer styling with geometry generator2019-03-06 10:43 AM
17672QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighssl error: certificate validate failed with postgis and qgis 2.18.152018-12-31 02:48 PM
21058QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalClose error2019-01-21 01:08 PM
21984QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalThe composer export functions don't remember last used path on mapped network drives2019-05-03 10:01 AM
22096QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPanels not docking and some invisible2019-05-17 05:16 PM
18627QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCrash when copying map image to clipboard IF scale changed and XYZ tile layer present2019-04-04 11:16 AM
18889QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalClipping feature errors trying to clip raster file on Mac (QGIS 3.0.2)2019-04-04 11:16 AM
21261QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalExpression in text element not working with transparency2019-02-14 10:36 PM
19198QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalNo transparency widget and no icons/classes in layer panel, QGIS 3.1.0-Master2019-04-04 11:16 AM
21174QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCreating a new map set with GRASS 7.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21988QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLow [processing][xyz tiles] De-activate folder/file based on output type for XYZ tile generator2019-05-03 02:35 PM
18442QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalTrouble with geopackage fields length settings2019-04-02 09:04 AM
16060QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMulti geometry on oracle table2019-03-05 03:11 PM
21721QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDisconnect between raster symbology in Layers Panel and Layer Properties2019-04-01 03:50 PM
21182QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7.4.4 & QGIS 3.4.42019-04-04 11:22 AM
21357QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighSelect fields group text garbled when switching format in Save Vector Layer As dialog2019-03-05 04:31 PM
22059QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWMS "Add Default Servers" button removal2019-05-13 09:20 AM
22060QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWMS - Zoom to native resolution2019-05-13 09:52 AM
21205QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalno base mapping2019-04-04 11:23 AM
21235QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBuild failure with sip 4.19.142019-02-11 07:00 PM
20874QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalField filter in the attribute table not working for numbers as the value gets enclosed as a string2018-12-24 08:41 AM
20691QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal3D without elevation layer renders badly2018-12-01 02:27 PM
20560QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalInstaller/Uninstaller does not exit when done (win7)2018-11-20 01:02 PM
22097QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crush on closing2019-05-17 07:26 PM
17508QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSaveAs Geopackage: TEXT fields are converted to TEXT(255)2019-03-04 05:45 PM
22052QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBad error message on WFS connection fail2019-05-13 09:14 AM
21713QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalunvisible mouse cursor on specific backgrounds2019-05-01 11:19 AM
18535QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[osx][layouts] "Page Setup" and "Print..." not doing anything2019-03-04 08:18 AM
21302QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalExcessive vertical padding of categories in legend2019-03-04 12:55 AM
21748QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCategorized style do not works with NULL value2019-04-05 09:58 AM
18591QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal"Duplicate layers" action does not work with memory layer2019-02-18 01:32 AM
21455QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalmacOS: Error when attempting to connect spatialite DB in DB manager2019-03-04 07:58 PM
21453QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSplit features tool behaves unpredictably when split line is snapped on a segment2019-03-03 07:24 PM
21715QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowAdd "Requirements" as optional field in metadata.txt2019-04-01 01:39 AM
20462QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPeriodically refreshing the rendering of a layer doesn't work2019-02-16 01:14 PM
21285QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSVG icon size and position in MAC2019-02-15 03:15 PM
21994QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPrint layout legend "feature count" shows feature count for entire layer when "filter legend by map content" is on2019-05-03 07:08 PM
21344QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
21776QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalrendering cycles forever when viewing raster at certain scales2019-04-06 12:09 PM
21926QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal"with interval" value of marker line symbology always reverts to "0" when saving the style to SLD2019-05-03 08:04 PM
16193QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalThe new searchbox in the Layer properties dialog prevents minimization of the icons left panel2019-03-02 11:14 AM
20836QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDeactivate "Open ""... entry in "Recent projects" list for unavailable projects2019-03-02 09:19 AM
21983QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crahses when exporting a template2019-05-03 08:08 PM
21429QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalerror adding (from QGIS Browser) GeoPackage tile layer with identifier that does not match table name2019-03-02 09:01 AM
21240QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMap Compose: adding/moving legend is very slow with large projects2019-04-08 11:09 AM
21435QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenLowChanging page size in layout editor display2019-03-01 09:56 PM
21788QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste fails from one layer to another when layer has NOT NULL constraints and transaction groups are enabled2019-04-08 11:40 AM
19280QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGraphical modeller - element (inputs / algorithms) name changes are not reflected in expression based input2019-03-01 09:28 PM
21925QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGRASS fails in QGIS but works in native GRASS2019-05-03 08:20 PM
17947QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalAdd GeoJSON from a https URL on Windows fails due to a SSL certificate problem2019-03-01 08:43 PM
22037QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMapped Network Drives Disappear in the QGIS Browser 2019-05-17 07:35 PM
21793QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDXF-Export2019-04-08 04:21 PM
21297QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalconcatenator doesn't work when not in print layout mode, for instance in virtual field2019-02-18 02:16 PM
21437QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWrong result with unaryUnion in python plugin2019-03-01 08:29 PM
22082QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPostGIS closed circle in Curved Polygon is not displayed2019-05-17 07:40 PM
19101QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighScale bar in Layout always opens at height of 11.9 mm2019-04-02 01:18 PM
21899QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSpatialite isn't working correctly on macOS2019-05-04 01:49 PM
6617QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalPlugin licence2012-11-03 10:58 PM
21105QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalArray edit popup hides at bottom of attribute table2019-01-28 06:39 PM
20839QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQgsCheckableComboBox single item selection bug2018-12-18 02:34 PM
21383QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash when editing fields2019-03-01 08:10 PM
21395QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes after deactivating a GDAL driver in use in the project2019-03-01 07:52 PM
21401QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes using QSqlDatabase connecting to PostGIS2019-03-01 07:52 PM
17764QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWMS Server Search completely outdated 2019-03-01 07:13 PM
21913QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalattribute header names are not saved2019-04-24 03:45 PM
19671QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighThe Ok button for the form dialog is disabled for NOT NULL Postgres columns2019-01-30 03:39 PM
17311QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes when trying to save edits on Oracle Spatial layers added using the OGR drivers (not the native provider)2019-02-19 04:53 PM
21247QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash on export in any format to Arch E 600 dpi when using a lyer with inverted polygons and shapeburst symbology2019-03-23 04:10 PM
21314QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Expression] The help in the Function Editor panel is unreadable due to coloring2019-02-19 04:38 PM
10142QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalThe "repository" tag is not updated from metadata.txt2016-02-06 02:33 PM
21997QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBrowser: dropping a view fails2019-05-05 10:13 AM
21298QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS flatpack crashes when opening 3d View (Ubuntu 16.04)2019-02-18 02:37 PM
21201QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHigh[Attribute table] Range widget arrow value is set to -2 147 483 6452019-02-18 02:30 PM
21323QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSource Fields returns wrong description of attribute table2019-02-20 12:58 PM
21813QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalTypo in Exporting Atlas Progress Window2019-04-09 04:25 PM
21327QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Style] Export --> Save as QGIS Layer style File should allow to select style categories (and output format)2019-02-26 06:50 PM
21613QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWMTS GetTile and/or WMS GetMap request flips x and y coordinates2019-04-10 10:04 AM
21396QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalJP2MrSID driver missing on GDAL drivers options after being disabled2019-02-26 12:32 PM
21379QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalReport with predefined scale changes the height of the map2019-03-05 01:23 PM
21343QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) is not accurate regarding the center used for calculation2019-02-25 05:06 PM
21377QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.6 crashes Opening 3D Views with WMTS and WCS Layer in TOC 2019-02-25 08:53 PM
21375QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalOrder of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable2019-02-25 02:34 PM
21783QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighError reading netCDF with multiple bands2019-04-10 07:16 PM
18295QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPostGIS Data Loads Extemely Slow2019-05-23 09:36 PM
22006QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalVertex tool not working on lines when style assigned2019-05-13 09:33 AM
19276QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGRASS 7 digitising bug 'Could not Commit changes' 2019-01-28 10:53 AM
13918QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCurved placement re-orders Arabic text for labelling2019-04-23 12:29 PM
20978QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS does not display raster maps from a GRASS mapset2019-02-24 12:09 PM
13398QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGeoreferencer produce images in wrong crs in 2.10 and master2019-02-24 11:34 AM
20292QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalProject which are saved with special characters in the filename and with the qgz extension are blank2019-01-10 11:08 AM
21034QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQgsAction "enabledOnlyWhenEditable" not available in Python2019-02-23 09:43 PM
21644QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPython Console Panel does not respect location/status across QGIS sessions2019-03-21 04:48 PM
22001QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDB Manager > History: current_user not written when updating2019-05-06 01:12 PM
21908QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalconstraints: "expression" and "expression description" are swapped upon reopening the vector properties2019-04-23 10:10 AM
21887QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighBrowser cannot open Volumes under macOS2019-04-23 08:45 AM
19828QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGetFeatureInfo bug while solving "relation reference" widget "display expression" values2019-02-07 07:51 AM
21351QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDetached 3D view 2019-02-22 03:50 PM
21347QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Processing] Matrix distance does not output right fields when using N x T matrix type2019-02-22 10:18 AM
21818QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalShortcut does not work when dock attribute table2019-04-10 10:22 AM
22008QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBatch processing error in r.mapcalc.simple2019-05-07 09:30 AM

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 16 (601-800/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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