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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21657QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighqgis crashes when resetting map scale in new map view2019-03-26 12:09 PM
21663QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Crashes when trying to view 3D map2019-03-24 05:43 PM
21664QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHigh3D view crashes QGIS2019-03-26 03:38 PM
21674QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes soon after opening raster heavy project with some vector layers with raster effects2019-03-28 10:30 PM
21677QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighIssue loading Oracle layers2019-03-26 05:14 PM
21684QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed on exit2019-03-28 01:39 PM
21685QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashed while editing points2019-03-28 11:33 AM
21690QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQgis 3.4.6-Madeira composer crash opening layout2019-03-29 02:03 PM
21693QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS 3.4.6 crashed when I tried classifying a layer2019-03-28 11:29 PM
21694QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighHang/Crash when attempting to drag&drop multiple layers into gpkg2019-03-29 02:00 PM
21703QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash on QgsSymbolLayer call2019-04-02 12:47 PM
21709QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDB Manager python error on layer preview2019-05-09 01:41 PM
21712QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Mac crashes when quittingDenis Rouzaud2019-03-30 08:52 PM
21716QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighTracing tool stops working with 2019-05-23 02:55 AM
21720QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighProcessing: python error on startup2019-04-01 08:49 PM
21723QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash because of items deletion in print layout2019-04-01 06:04 PM
21725QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighWhen I was saving my style it has been created by edit style, QGIS crashed2019-04-01 07:42 PM
21730QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on "Open project"2019-04-02 03:41 PM
21741QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHigh"Check geometries" tool does not fixes errors (overlaps)2019-04-10 05:21 PM
21747QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashed2019-04-04 10:44 AM
21748QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCategorized style do not works with NULL value2019-04-05 09:58 AM
21759QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighChanging rendering behavior on zoom to prevent flashes 2019-04-29 10:55 PM
21775QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighqgis crash when filtering a layer with an attachment fieldNyall Dawson2019-05-24 01:58 AM
21783QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighError reading netCDF with multiple bands2019-04-10 07:16 PM
21788QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCopy/Paste fails from one layer to another when layer has NOT NULL constraints and transaction groups are enabled2019-04-08 11:40 AM
21792QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when creating mapset2019-04-10 05:38 PM
21806QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashes after panning the map canvas2019-04-10 05:20 PM
21807QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighWFS update and delete transaction doesn't work (sometimes)2019-04-28 05:54 PM
21815QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighEditing a GeoPackage feature with spaces in the field names can crash QGIS2019-04-10 06:48 PM
21822QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCannot load multivariable netcdf files2019-04-11 04:22 PM
21828QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash on switching back and forth between junction and and dot-object tool2019-04-10 04:28 PM
21831QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-11 04:16 PM
21833QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighTopological editing now working when the data CRS is different from project CRS2019-04-11 08:16 PM
21836QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHigh Copy/Paste fails in Postgis layer null value in column "gid" violates not-null constraint2019-04-11 05:14 PM
21841QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on exit2019-04-18 01:08 PM
21846QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash while closing QGIS2019-04-16 06:22 PM
21851QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashed in add field text2019-04-16 12:50 AM
21857QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashes during map re-rendering after CRS switch2019-04-16 12:28 AM
21858QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes with PostgreSQL viewsAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 01:55 PM
21863QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighissues with embedded layersDenis Rouzaud2019-04-19 08:54 AM
21864QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash after quitting QGIS2019-04-16 10:37 PM
21876QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrashes when loading qml style for point layer2019-04-23 08:14 PM
21879QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially losing data2019-04-18 01:38 PM
21885QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash when calling QgsRasterHistogram.histogramVector2019-04-19 09:02 AM
21887QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighBrowser cannot open Volumes under macOS2019-04-23 08:45 AM
21898QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPip under Python 3.7 in QGIS 3.6.2 doesn't work2019-04-23 03:31 PM
21912QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Crashed2019-04-23 07:40 PM
21919QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crash2019-04-24 01:57 PM
21920QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPoints Geometry Become Cluster2019-04-30 06:29 PM
21921QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHigh3.6.2 crashes on attempring to edit bad topology2019-04-24 04:33 PM
21927QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS freezes2019-04-30 06:28 PM
21928QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighediting in spatial oracle2019-05-02 10:05 AM
21930QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when opening a project with PostGIS rasters2019-05-01 05:46 PM
21932QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMap Composer crashes QGIS when copying mixture of elements in page layout2019-05-01 06:15 PM
21935QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighClear filter in Snapping Toolbar > Edit advanced configuration causes crash2019-05-02 01:22 PM
21948QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashing while using Advanced Digitizing with snapping enabled2019-05-01 06:08 PM
21949QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighProcessing OGR based tools: encoding changed in outputs2019-05-01 06:54 PM
21953QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes in Print Composer Atlas when using "inverted polygons"2019-05-21 05:40 PM
21960QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighreport details2019-05-01 05:50 PM
21964QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS Server SELECTION doesn't work with Postgres ids of type bigint or text2019-04-30 06:41 PM
21983QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crahses when exporting a template2019-05-03 08:08 PM
21986QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCan not save data of type "array of characters (StringList / JSONSTRINGLIST) "on a layer connected to a spatialLite base : error : Type 5 of the x attribute of the entity y is unknownAlessandro Pasotti2019-05-23 04:45 PM
21995QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPlugin Crash / FragScape2019-05-04 09:37 AM
21999QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash on update pg layer (postgis)2019-05-07 09:39 AM
22000QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighWrong text orientation when importing DWGJürgen Fischer2019-05-06 10:26 AM
22002QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash when adding Vector layer (.shp file)2019-05-17 04:13 PM
22005QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCannot load GPX file automatically after creating it QGIS 3.4.7 QGIS 3.6.22019-05-09 09:17 AM
22007QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQgsProject.instance().clear() crashes QGIS when LayoutDesigner Window is open2019-05-07 09:32 AM
22009QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLock postgres/postgis on st_estimatedextent and st_makeenvelope2019-05-10 06:13 PM
22010QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighRaster calculator, abs() not working2019-05-09 09:20 AM
22011QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighAntivirus: 2 engines detected this file. (Security)2019-05-07 08:59 PM
22014QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS Crashed2019-05-09 09:18 AM
22027QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when deleting multiple (co-selected) objects from layout2019-05-09 12:44 PM
22031QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighv.clean UnicodeDecodeError when special character (German Umlaute) in path2019-05-09 12:42 PM
22036QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighZoom in/out and autorefreshing of raster doesn’t work after georeferencing2019-05-10 06:13 PM
22037QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMapped Network Drives Disappear in the QGIS Browser 2019-05-17 07:35 PM
22040QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crashed when I use 3D View2019-05-13 04:11 PM
22044QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCannot create temporary SpatiaLite cache2019-05-10 12:28 PM
22047QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrashed with Field Calculator2019-05-11 05:27 PM
22048QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighbatch mode python error on QGIS masterAlexander Bruy2019-05-23 11:39 AM
22049QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPersistent crashes when editing nodes2019-05-23 11:20 PM
22050QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrashing and general badness on reprojection to IGNF:RGNCUTM58S2019-05-13 12:23 AM
22067QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes opening file browser window2019-05-23 01:16 PM
22069QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighlabel properties will not saved to project files (buffer and background)2019-05-21 10:28 PM
22072QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighLocked MapInfo tables2019-05-17 08:02 PM
22082QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighPostGIS closed circle in Curved Polygon is not displayed2019-05-17 07:40 PM
22083QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighCrash when trying to save a project2019-05-17 07:36 PM
22087QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighGRASS Region Extent not shown in Batch ModeVictor Olaya2019-05-23 08:08 PM
22091QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash2019-05-17 07:34 PM
22094QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes on closing2019-05-21 10:46 AM
22097QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighQGIS crush on closing2019-05-17 07:26 PM
22100QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when adding New Field to ShapeLayer2019-05-20 12:25 PM
22110QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighCrash when using "Identify Features" in Ubuntu?2019-05-23 11:20 AM
22114QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighAll menus and tables are magnified :/2019-05-21 02:38 PM
22115QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighMoving a panel over another in dual-screen workspace crashes the app2019-05-21 05:30 PM
22116QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighLayout>export to image2019-05-21 05:31 PM
22117QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighcrashes at start2019-05-23 04:44 PM
22119QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighcrashed when saving a few changes2019-05-23 11:22 AM
22125QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighPlugin processing: The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.2019-05-22 04:24 PM
22126QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQgis crashes when try to identify a layer2019-05-23 11:24 AM
22128QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighError2019-05-23 11:27 AM
22129QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighQGIS crashes when opening a new project2019-05-24 02:37 AM
22130QGIS ApplicationBug reportFeedbackHighqgis crashed in the background2019-05-23 04:53 PM
16QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalUser map should go to qgis.orgTim Sutton2014-03-28 07:12 AM
20QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd a bot to this tracker and the repo to the IRC QGIS channel2016-01-30 12:43 PM
22QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd an option "Add your plugin to standard GIT"2016-01-31 10:53 PM
1167QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSLD support in conjunction with WMS2018-05-24 02:54 PM
1609QGIS ApplicationFeature requestIn ProgressNormalQGIS4INSPIRE2018-07-20 12:48 PM
1826QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalKeyboard shortcut for moving the cursor2017-05-01 12:50 AM
2113QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalcurved labels: only a few are drawn2018-10-14 11:20 PM
3200QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalFeature cacheMartin Dobias2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3775QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalif column name used for symbology changed, QGIS should ask when applying a QML file2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3783QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormal"Screen scaling" setting to control the screen size of things defined in points or mm2017-05-01 12:50 AM
3941QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalMigrated user email addresses show for domain partTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:44 AM
3942QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalMigrated user First / last name combined into first nameTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:45 AM
3944QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalIn-commit messages referring to tickets may be wrongTim Sutton2017-05-16 11:09 AM
3945QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalOld trac does not redirect automatically to redmineTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:50 AM
3952QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormal403 Error on filterPirmin Kalberer2011-11-25 05:22 AM
3957QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalNew tickets notifications are not sent to IRC #QGISTim Sutton2011-12-22 12:10 AM
3958QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalNew tickets notifications are not sent to [email protected]Tim Sutton2011-07-07 05:06 AM
3972QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change Resolution field in ticketsAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 05:21 AM
3992QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalUnable to reopen closed ticketsWerner Macho2012-01-22 01:58 PM
3997QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change ticket priorityAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 10:29 AM
4019QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalpatch for Python Console enhancement - dock window or top-level window, without QGIS restart2018-01-06 11:13 PM
4033QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMap navigation - temporarily change to zoom in / zoom out / pan tool2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4067QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalVoting support on issuesTim Sutton2011-11-25 05:16 AM
4069QGIS ApplicationFeature requestReopenedNormalEnhancement: ability to search for a plugin to run2018-04-03 11:55 PM
4080QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalHtml formatted labelsNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4087QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSplit Features tool: lines are split also at every self-intersection2019-03-11 05:05 PM
4100QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalText for two CRS dialogues is wrong (swapped)2019-03-10 05:53 PM
4119QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalget features intersect within a bbox or selected features for offline spatialite db2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4131QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImplement a reader for Intermediate TIN Format2018-02-24 03:59 PM
4135QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalautosave option for digitizing2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4143QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormallist of last used2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4144QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNew Feature: show Raster Band number on Layer Panel entries.Tim Sutton2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4150QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalGPS Traking2018-11-29 10:58 AM
4212QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalData types for csv2018-04-15 07:04 PM
4236QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to (over)write CRS for an existing raster file e.g. to geotif or to .aux.xml file for jpg + jgw2018-10-05 12:13 PM
4263QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalRedundant, confusing information?Paolo Cavallini2011-11-25 10:23 AM
4264QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalResolved issues should not appear on the default listPaolo Cavallini2012-03-09 08:55 PM
4270QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAttribute Table - make keyboard cell navigation more consistent2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4280QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd ability to refresh the extent of a WFS layer2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4314QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalApply polygon styles also to points2018-03-07 04:15 PM
4321QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNew tab in raster properties: rasters stats as table2019-03-05 11:25 AM
4322QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalStore projects in databases2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4325QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMaking url's in WMS Query response clickable2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4330QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSpatial Indexing of Shapefiles on first load2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4374QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSupport keyword substitution in provider queries2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4407QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalProvide an entry for the magic(5) file2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4408QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalValidating *.qgs or *.qml against *.dtd2019-03-12 10:27 AM
4450QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalLegend symbols (in print composer) are ignoring the "scale size field" option in vector symbologyVincent Mora2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4461QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a button "continue editing" after right clicking the mouse when digitizing new geometries2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4476QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalAdd a 2 cases if() command to Raster Calculator2018-11-23 08:31 AM
4481QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNew feature: show raster values on screen when zoomed-in enough.2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4490QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalWorld file and Georeferencer2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4508QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormaluser image is missing from planet pagesTim Sutton2012-10-05 08:26 AM
4529QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImprove "select" of TopoGeometry objects for postgresql provider2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4553QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSelection color/border size for polygons (with solid fill, no fill, semi-transparent fill)2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4609QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a filter for the "values" list in the query builder and similar dialogs2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4640QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNew Feature: True North (TN) azimuth measurement.2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4649QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDrop file to Layers not possible when panel is floating2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4677QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalAdd "QGIS Version" field2012-01-12 06:00 AM
4699QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormal"no data value" should accept multiple values2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4701QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd tools to allow selection of rasters pixels2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4713QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd user registration and utilities to current Help>Info menu2018-02-24 04:00 PM
4739QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalBrowser: allow renaming, moving and deleting datasources2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4774QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd area, length etc. triggers to DB Manager2018-02-23 05:27 PM
4777QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImport PostGIS raster2018-02-23 05:29 PM
4781QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalKeep the history in the SQL window2018-02-23 05:43 PM
4809QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalFormatting of the main plugin page(s)Pirmin Kalberer2012-01-16 11:45 PM
4815QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalApply expression builder to raster calculatorNathan Woodrow2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4820QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalColor interpolation "exact" does not work2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4831QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdvanced query builder: optionally sort column names a (numeric) values in sample view2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4839QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalNew feature: Text symbol layers2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4879QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportReopenedNormalPlanet not updated2016-01-30 12:55 PM
4900QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalHave 1 (non-hidden) QGIS folder with a fixed set of subdirs for icons, templates, styles, plugins ...2018-04-16 03:37 PM
4915QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSimple-to-Topological layer conversion tool2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4916QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormal[CLEAN URLS] Project name in project issues2012-01-30 07:16 AM
4924QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalJoin attributes - add the option of creating a shapefile with matching attributes onlyMarco Hugentobler2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4932QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a "send error" button in the python error dialogs2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4950QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalProgress bar when export print-layout to image/pdf2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4957QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImporting vector layers the append option is disabled2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4960QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalImport rasters to SL database (Rasterlite)2017-05-01 12:50 AM
4974QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSave list of GRASS commands in a history file2018-02-23 06:19 PM
4986QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalVersioning Support with Topology and Attribute control2017-09-22 10:07 AM
4997QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd option to avoid intersection of new polygons when doing a (geometry) copy/paste operation2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5005QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDisplay layer's native CRS, and provide the ability to remove any override2018-01-10 03:48 AM
5046QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalgeoreferencer/construct of control points with intersection lines2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5047QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalQGIS should associate itself with SHP files2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5061QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalSome users missed from users listPirmin Kalberer2012-08-17 09:37 PM
5078QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalCreate a default GRASS location2018-02-23 07:01 PM
5086QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAbility to temporary georeference "shifting" WMS-layer relative to map extent.2017-09-22 10:07 AM
5088QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOffline editing plugin - Geometry and attributes conflict control2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5090QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOffline editing plugin - Work only with AOI2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5091QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAbility to Work only with AOI2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5138QGIS ApplicationFeature requestFeedbackNormalA window should display a message about D&D feature2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5149QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalUsers can't close their issues on plugin projects2012-03-09 09:49 PM
5152QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalability to temporarily override or toggle all snapping2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5215QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSave text annotations as shapefile2017-05-01 12:50 AM
5216QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalModify default options in QGIS2017-09-22 10:07 AM

1 2 3 4 ... 16 (201-400/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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