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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
21344QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalpasting features changes the order of columns in attributes table (table view)2019-02-22 10:17 AM
13845QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalA simple method for adding data to exisitng polygons/lines2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11492QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowDXF load: Don't ask for CRS twice (or three times, four times...)2017-09-22 10:07 AM
21351QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDetached 3D view 2019-02-22 03:50 PM
11892QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSave to last used directory, not home, when entering filename directly in layer Save As dialog2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11148QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSupporting arm architectures in Debian - FTBFS on armel and armhf due to Qreal issue2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11303QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalalternative layer coordinate readout with canvas orientation flip option2017-09-22 10:07 AM
22119QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighcrashed when saving a few changes2019-05-23 11:22 AM
19147QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalData-based 3D feature visualization2018-06-08 09:33 AM
12037QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAllow transfer of rasters from QGIS to PostGIS through DBManager2017-09-22 10:07 AM
22036QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighZoom in/out and autorefreshing of raster doesn’t work after georeferencing2019-05-10 06:13 PM
18646QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalSVG Export from Layout dows not retain polygon pattern fill.2018-04-06 03:37 AM
5216QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalModify default options in QGIS2017-09-22 10:07 AM
9977QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowGPS connect button2017-09-22 10:07 AM
10929QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a shortcut icon for the plugin manager on the plugin toolbar2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18668QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighintegrated document viewer not working2018-04-09 12:07 PM
18761QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a "Apply page size to other pages" button to page item properties2018-04-19 09:57 AM
19042QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalForms in Layer Properties - default values aren't remembered.2018-05-28 01:31 PM
13613QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPlease do NOT add borders to bright colors in the Histogram2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18589QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalBehavior of Ctrl+T with map annotation tools is hard to understand2018-03-30 02:22 PM
21879QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenHighDragging layers too high in layers panel will reload them, potentially losing data2019-04-18 01:38 PM
10088QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalRun Feature Action doesn't run action by default...2017-09-22 10:07 AM
19391QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalGrass algorithms give incorrect output if selecting an attribute column named "cat"2018-07-13 01:10 PM
20994QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a way to pass additional parameters to GDAL commands2019-05-23 06:57 AM
10532QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPostgis provider: the way in which other styles saved in layer_styles are presented should be more usable2017-09-22 10:07 AM
22038QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalInconsistent intervals for similar labels in graduated classification2019-05-10 10:54 AM
21868QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormaldefault value + "apply default value on update" does not work when using the "split features" tool2019-04-17 08:59 AM
21867QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalcan't change value in vertex editor if "locale" settings use commas as decimal separator2019-05-10 06:20 PM
5314QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd the acetate layer to qgis and qgis-server2017-09-22 10:07 AM
6409QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalcomposer from tiled WMS layer - should show the progress with download bytes and tiles2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18664QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalUCS - 2000 coordinate systems - correct params towgs842018-04-08 05:47 PM
19154QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAllow more details or customization of tooltip on snapping2018-06-09 04:43 PM
21375QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalOrder of attributes in QGS XML is non-stable2019-02-25 02:34 PM
18788QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormal[Layout] Allow to change properties of grouped items all together2018-04-22 10:39 AM
21594QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalthe attribute name 'Inf' is not usable in imported SLD2019-03-15 01:10 PM
9745QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalValue relation widget filter expression should have access to parent table attributes.2017-09-22 10:07 AM
5646QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalGRASS region corruption2017-09-22 10:07 AM
6314QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOpen file folder / location2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18950QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowUsing Package Layer with same layer names2018-05-14 02:38 PM
6356QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSet from parent style into categories rules2017-09-22 10:07 AM
5792QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowAdd progress bar when calculating values for a column2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18787QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Layout] no way to identify/interact with a group when it's another group subitem2018-04-22 10:30 AM
18783QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalswitch to turn off GPKG filename in layers tree2018-04-21 01:23 PM
11093QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalWFS caching and non caching2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13496QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalStore connection settings separately from application settings2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13926QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowGPS Tools: add multiple GPX files to map2017-09-22 10:07 AM
5083QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowadd a progress bar in the GPS tool2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18590QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCopy/paste Layer/Group menus vs Duplicate layer(s) action: redundancy?2018-03-30 10:45 PM
19015QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLabel unit suffix for rasters not working2018-05-24 05:42 AM
19396QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalDefault CRS for new projects not working as expected2018-07-16 11:03 AM
18971QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalChange data source of a vector layer2018-05-17 03:07 PM
19030QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAbility to add data from Microsoft Excel Worksheets (.xlsx) with multiple sheets into QGIS2018-05-25 12:10 PM
17094QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalPoint Selection Fails in Antarctic Projections2019-03-13 09:40 AM
13945QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLow'Mutually Exclusive Group' for categorized layers2017-09-22 10:07 AM
4986QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalVersioning Support with Topology and Attribute control2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18651QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormaldisplaying boolean values in many modes2018-04-06 01:16 PM
5076QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowAdd option "Remove from disk" to legend layer menu2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13974QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalExpression for Map Composer Legend2017-09-22 10:07 AM
21641QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalShow Feature Count for Group Objects2019-03-21 04:09 PM
14047QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalStandardize symbols export process between PNG, SVG and XML formats2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13534QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSave attribute without showing it in the entry form2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13672QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalField calculator output preview should use selected type2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13902QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalconfirmation of delete feature actions2018-02-05 07:15 AM
18666QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS 3 lost CRS for some QGIS 2 project2018-04-09 08:41 AM
13903QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalattribute table: row height / column width2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13717QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOption to save batch processing tasks (Processing Toolbox)2017-09-22 10:07 AM
19399QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMake status bar into two toolbars with controls as tb widgets2018-07-12 06:59 AM
18745QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalMove labels on rotated view2018-04-18 08:40 AM
13615QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalHead/Tail Breaks2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13622QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenHighCreate the possibility to make attribute queries with mapped values using QML files2017-09-22 10:07 AM
19371QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalCrash QGIS while Panning and Editing in Geopackage2018-07-09 07:53 PM
13637QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPropose create pyramids on raster loading2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13774QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalkeep invalid layers2017-09-22 10:07 AM
21830QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMake extent of spatial bookmarks visible2019-04-10 07:25 PM
18800QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalEnhanced filter handling2018-04-28 11:53 PM
11105QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowFeedback for reading large comma separated value files2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13113QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalSupport for multiple geometry in QGIS2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13333QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalExport to Adobe Illustrator format2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18632QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS3: jumping to geographic coordinates doesn't work2018-04-04 10:45 PM
19397QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalParssing of empty geometry values from MicroSoft SQL Server2018-07-12 02:00 AM
22029QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalWrong Python default path in QGIS server on macOS2019-05-09 09:14 AM
13445QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd legend type/properties for map composer: gradient, horizontal, with label offset2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18929QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalService url cannot include custom query parameters2018-05-11 11:07 AM
13449QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPan Keybinds2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13127QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalposition of coordinates in grid2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13205QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenLowTopology Checker (output/export)2017-09-22 10:07 AM
21796QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalLayer Symbology/Legend in Layers Panel not reflecting Filter state2019-04-10 05:43 PM
13267QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAvailable plugin list ordered by date2017-09-22 10:07 AM
13178QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalQGIS LTR version checks for latest non-LTR QGIS version2017-09-22 10:07 AM
22099QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalMake Designing forms in QGIS friendly2019-05-18 03:58 PM
18927QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalInsert new record in form with one to many relation try to save sequence as string2018-05-08 04:48 PM
11122QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalPdf auto-open2017-09-22 10:07 AM
12684QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalQGIS should backup settings before save2017-09-22 10:07 AM
12999QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdding new attribute "Height of geoid" to QgsGPSInformation2017-09-22 10:07 AM
15120QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalselect all or none for snapping options window2018-06-05 02:54 PM
13199QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalAdd transparency option to Georeferencer plugin2017-09-22 10:07 AM
12687QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalsave custom functions in project file2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18925QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalQGIS crashed while opening PostgreSQL layer2018-05-08 08:42 AM
12811QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalGenerate Mailing Labels2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11357QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalExpose all CompositionModes in Blend Mode drop-down2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11768QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalDisplay several features in Map Tips2018-02-22 03:15 PM
18878QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormalUnable to paste a layer in an empty project2018-04-29 07:16 PM
12247QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalpause, and rerun button for GPS tracking and deported tracks2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11614QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalOrder PostGIS key selection column by order in table/view2017-09-22 10:07 AM
11651QGIS ApplicationFeature requestOpenNormalLimit amount of fonts used in QGIS2017-09-22 10:07 AM
18805QGIS ApplicationBug reportOpenNormal[Layer properties] Text on symbols group not updated when the layer symbology changes are applied2018-04-25 07:17 PM
16103QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd About sections to Plugin approval notification mails Alessandro Pasotti2017-01-23 01:54 AM
4508QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormaluser image is missing from planet pagesTim Sutton2012-10-05 08:26 AM
9930QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalProvide a nice user mapTim Sutton2014-03-28 06:46 AM
16QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalUser map should go to qgis.orgTim Sutton2014-03-28 07:12 AM
4879QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportReopenedNormalPlanet not updated2016-01-30 12:55 PM
10713QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportFeedbackNormalPlugin name sort order is case-sensitive2016-02-08 12:35 AM
20125QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportFeedbackNormalDIGITIZING TOOLS PLUGIN2019-02-02 08:26 AM
6808QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd an aggregate stats to the plugin manager's view2016-02-01 01:12 PM
21715QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowAdd "Requirements" as optional field in metadata.txt2019-04-01 01:39 AM
14943QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormal"download plugin" button goes unnoticed2017-01-23 01:59 AM
6617QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalPlugin licence2012-11-03 10:58 PM
22123QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormaltest 12019-05-22 02:50 PM
23QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowAdd an option "Create a bugtracker"2016-01-22 12:21 AM
10302QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd a filter for "New" plugins to plugins website2016-02-01 01:43 PM
6478QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd user comments2016-01-31 11:40 PM
19806QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLowWhen uploading a new plugin version with metadata changed, repo URL is not changed2018-09-10 02:13 PM
14913QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalFresh plugin includes obsolete stuff2016-05-27 10:49 PM
5275QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalEmbed Nabble view of Mailing Lists as forum.qgis.org2016-02-08 12:11 AM
8645QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalOnly four stars are shown on the plugin list page2016-02-01 12:44 PM
16479QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenLow"None" results in plugin search results on Django site2019-03-11 03:51 PM
17238QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd password reset prompt to login, register pages2017-10-04 09:36 AM
10125QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd editor comments2014-04-28 12:23 AM
20QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalAdd a bot to this tracker and the repo to the IRC QGIS channel2016-01-30 12:43 PM
22QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenNormalAdd an option "Add your plugin to standard GIT"2016-01-31 10:53 PM
3986QGIS Plugin SiteFeature requestOpenLowSupport for presenting index.html info about plugins2012-10-05 08:11 AM
10142QGIS Plugin SiteBug reportOpenNormalThe "repository" tag is not updated from metadata.txt2016-02-06 02:33 PM
3997QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change ticket priorityAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 10:29 AM
3972QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change Resolution field in ticketsAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 05:21 AM
16554QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Bug reportOpenNormalIssues summary misses "Support" requestsJürgen Fischer2017-05-16 11:04 AM
16557QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Bug reportOpenNormalDefault "Category" is blank, but cannot beJürgen Fischer2017-05-16 11:13 AM
4263QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalRedundant, confusing information?Paolo Cavallini2011-11-25 10:23 AM
4264QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalResolved issues should not appear on the default listPaolo Cavallini2012-03-09 08:55 PM
5061QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalSome users missed from users listPirmin Kalberer2012-08-17 09:37 PM
5969QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUnable to push code to a new git repositoryPirmin Kalberer2012-07-06 03:02 PM
4755QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUsers can't create projects that are a subproject of 'User Plugins'Pirmin Kalberer2012-01-16 03:09 AM
4890QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenHighUnable to clone git projectPirmin Kalberer2012-01-26 05:15 AM
3952QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormal403 Error on filterPirmin Kalberer2011-11-25 05:22 AM
4809QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalFormatting of the main plugin page(s)Pirmin Kalberer2012-01-16 11:45 PM
3944QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalIn-commit messages referring to tickets may be wrongTim Sutton2017-05-16 11:09 AM
3945QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalOld trac does not redirect automatically to redmineTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:50 AM
3941QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalMigrated user email addresses show for domain partTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:44 AM
3942QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalMigrated user First / last name combined into first nameTim Sutton2011-06-05 03:45 AM
4067QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalVoting support on issuesTim Sutton2011-11-25 05:16 AM
3957QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalNew tickets notifications are not sent to IRC #QGISTim Sutton2011-12-22 12:10 AM
3958QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalNew tickets notifications are not sent to [email protected]Tim Sutton2011-07-07 05:06 AM
3992QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalUnable to reopen closed ticketsWerner Macho2012-01-22 01:58 PM
17329QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalSend a notification from discussion I have contributed to2017-10-25 12:58 PM
18407QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormal"forgot password"2018-06-25 06:13 PM
6220QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalFile issues on the hub2012-08-17 08:28 AM
10325QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalRedmine searches: add option to hide closed tickets2014-05-25 01:34 PM
14218QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalticket creator can't change "Affected Version"2016-08-03 11:39 AM
5149QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalUsers can't close their issues on plugin projects2012-03-09 09:49 PM
6202QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormaltracker bugs2015-12-09 11:14 AM
4677QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalAdd "QGIS Version" field2012-01-12 06:00 AM
8744QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalAllow regular users to edit the contents and title of bug and feature requests2013-10-01 01:16 PM
9741QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenSevere/RegressionSSH key upload and management is missing2014-03-28 10:39 AM
8906QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalemail notifications2013-10-18 02:06 AM
6570QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalReferences to commits in SEXTANTE tracker2014-03-27 11:03 AM
5414QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalno "New project" link in "User Plugins"2013-02-15 02:15 PM
7412QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalproblem with colorrampmanager plugin git repository2013-03-21 10:21 AM
5467QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalCannot edit issue in User Plugins project2012-04-23 08:42 AM
4916QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormal[CLEAN URLS] Project name in project issues2012-01-30 07:16 AM
9913QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalWrong commit reference syntax when autoclosing tickets2014-03-27 11:06 AM

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