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Toggle check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6220QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalFile issues on the hub2012-08-17 08:28 AM
6570QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalReferences to commits in SEXTANTE tracker2014-03-27 11:03 AM
7412QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalproblem with colorrampmanager plugin git repository2013-03-21 10:21 AM
8744QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalAllow regular users to edit the contents and title of bug and feature requests2013-10-01 01:16 PM
8906QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalemail notifications2013-10-18 02:06 AM
9741QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenSevere/RegressionSSH key upload and management is missing2014-03-28 10:39 AM
9913QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportOpenNormalWrong commit reference syntax when autoclosing tickets2014-03-27 11:06 AM
10325QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalRedmine searches: add option to hide closed tickets2014-05-25 01:34 PM
14218QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalticket creator can't change "Affected Version"2016-08-03 11:39 AM
16554QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Bug reportOpenNormalIssues summary misses "Support" requestsJürgen Fischer2017-05-16 11:04 AM
16557QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Bug reportOpenNormalDefault "Category" is blank, but cannot beJürgen Fischer2017-05-16 11:13 AM
17329QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormalSend a notification from discussion I have contributed to2017-10-25 12:58 PM
18407QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestOpenNormal"forgot password"2018-06-25 06:13 PM
3972QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change Resolution field in ticketsAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 05:21 AM
3992QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalUnable to reopen closed ticketsWerner Macho2012-01-22 01:58 PM
3997QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalCan't change ticket priorityAlexander Bruy2011-11-25 10:29 AM
4263QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalRedundant, confusing information?Paolo Cavallini2011-11-25 10:23 AM
4264QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)Feature requestFeedbackNormalResolved issues should not appear on the default listPaolo Cavallini2012-03-09 08:55 PM
5061QGIS Redmine (QGIS bug tracker)SupportFeedbackNormalSome users missed from users listPirmin Kalberer2012-08-17 09:37 PM

1 ... 125 126 127 (3151-3169/3169) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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