prout 0 0 610 487 Dialog 170 30 291 41 16 PANNEAU DE SIGNALISATION 10 70 581 391 1 Caractéristiques principales 30 310 81 16 Plaque taguée ? 130 280 41 20 460 30 31 20 30 60 151 16 Date de dernière observation 190 30 41 20 130 120 46 13 Présent ? 30 250 81 16 Plaque tordue ? 30 220 81 16 Socle décélé ? 190 60 110 22 30 30 121 16 Identifiant du panneau 30 280 91 16 Plaque gravée ? 130 310 41 20 130 250 41 20 190 120 41 20 410 30 46 13 Urgence 30 190 81 16 Panneau tordu ? 130 190 41 20 130 220 41 20 Photographie du panneau 40 190 151 111 C:/Users/Public/Pictures/Sample Pictures/Chrysanthemum.jpg true 40 50 161 111 about:blank 40 20 491 31 With QWebView. I change the "objectName" like the field in Qgis which contains the path and it's ok. 40 160 411 31 With QLabel. I only can display one picture with indicate the path in "piwmap" 10 300 621 51 In Qt designer I can't change the code, unless I create a .cpp too. But I don't know C++ enough to try anything. 10 320 621 51 Coding with Python is the same thing, I don't know how to do :-( 210 70 621 51 <----- This was working on 2.2, so why not now :-( QWebView QWidget