----------------------------------------------------------------- Metadata BUG REPORT COMPOSER Author: Tomás Carvalho E-mail: tomas@imaflora.org Date: 2019 04 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information of project Projection: Albers Conical Equal Brazil Datum: SIRGAS 2000 SRID: 97823 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Data Shapefiles: A - bi_ma_sp: (the key one) with 'cd_mun' field for the interaction C - cf_ativo: used as 'background' layer. simbology: graduated with "not_prot" field. D - cf_def: used as 'background' layer. simbology: graduated with "tot_def" field. E - pa_br_states: used as state boundaries layer and also used as 'background' layer F - landtenure_v201901: used as properties boundaries and also used as 'background' layer G - limite_municipal: used as municipalites boundaries layer and also used as 'background' layer H - biome: used as biome and also used as 'background' layer I - bi_ma_def: used as deforestation and also used as 'background' layer Raster: J - uso: used as land use and also used as 'background' layer Report Pages: 1. Report. Header. Cover page with institutional logos 2. Section. Text, E and I shapefiles 3. Group. Header. Text and ilustrative images Body. Text, ilustrative images Footer. Final page of Report 4. Body. Map with shapes C, E and F. < with A as layer and 'cd_mun' as field > 5. Body. Map with shapes D, E and F. < with A as layer and 'cd_mun' as field > 6. Group. Header. Text and ilustrative images Body. Map with shapes E, F and I. < with A as layer and 'cd_mun' as field > 7. Group. Body. Map with shape F, G and J. Also there's a html frame as table. < with A as layer and 'cd_mun' as field > NOTE: The 'J' Land use raster can't be upload (5MB limit attach).