src/app/main.cpp:475 : (main) [0ms] Starting qgis main No protocol specified src/core/qgsapplication.cpp:144 : (QgsApplication) [48ms] loading of qgis translation failed /usr/share/qgis/i18n//qgis_en_GB src/core/qgsapplication.cpp:159 : (QgsApplication) [0ms] loading of qt translation failed /usr/share/qt5/translations/qt_en_GB src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [4ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:12 [1] Successfully loaded globalsettingsfile path: /usr/share/qgis/resources/qgis_global_settings.ini src/app/qgsversionmigration.cpp:92 : (requiresMigration) [0ms] File version is=2 src/app/qgscustomization.cpp:945 : (loadDefault) [15ms] Status path = /Customization/status src/app/qgscustomization.cpp:946 : (loadDefault) [0ms] status = 0 src/app/qgscustomization.cpp:954 : (loadDefault) [1ms] Default customization not found in /usr/share/qgis/resources/customization.ini src/core/qgsfontutils.cpp:277 : (loadStandardTestFonts) [41ms] Test font 'QGIS Vera Sans' (Bold) loaded from testdata.qrc src/core/qgsfontutils.cpp:277 : (loadStandardTestFonts) [20ms] Test font 'QGIS Vera Sans' (Roman) loaded from testdata.qrc src/core/qgsapplication.cpp:1738 : (setMaxThreads) [114ms] maxThreads: -1 src/core/qgsapplication.cpp:1754 : (setMaxThreads) [1ms] set QThreadPool max thread count to 4 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: User profile manager - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [105ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Setting up UI - 0.105 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [29ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Checking database - 0.029 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Creating theme folder - 0 src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:105 : (init) [2ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis for provider plugins src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [8ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [1ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [6ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [2ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/providers/gdal/qgsgdalprovider.cpp:2145 : (buildSupportedRasterFileFilterAndExtensions) [12ms] GDAL driver count: 215 src/providers/gdal/qgsgdalprovider.cpp:2286 : (buildSupportedRasterFileFilterAndExtensions) [1ms] Raster filter list built: All files (*);;GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler (*.zip *.gz *.tar *.tar.gz *.tgz *.ZIP *.GZ *.TAR *.TAR.GZ *.TGZ);;ACE2 (*.ace2 *.ACE2);;ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (*.gen *.GEN);;ASCII Gridded XYZ (*.xyz *.XYZ);;Arc/Info ASCII Grid (*.asc *.ASC);;Arc/Info Binary Grid (hdr.adf HDR.ADF);;Arc/Info Export E00 GRID (*.e00 *.E00);;AutoCAD Driver (*.dwg *.DWG);;Bathymetry Attributed Grid (*.bag *.BAG);;CALS (* *..ct1 *..CAL *..CT1);;DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster (*.hdr *.HDR);;DTED Elevation Raster (*.dt0 *.dt1 *.dt2 *.DT0 *.DT1 *.DT2);;DigitalGlobe Raster Data Access driver (*.dgrda *.DGRDA);;ECRG TOC format (*.xml *.XML);;ERMapper .ers Labelled (*.ers *.ERS);;ESRI .hdr Labelled (*.bil *.BIL);;EUMETSAT Archive native (*.nat *.NAT);;Envisat Image Format (*.n1 *.N1);;Erdas Imagine Images (*.img *.IMG);;FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (*.lcp *.LCP);;GMT NetCDF Grid Format (*.nc *.NC);;GRIdded Binary (*.grb *.grb2 *.grib2 *.GRB *.GRB2 *.GRIB2);;GeoPackage (*.gpkg *.GPKG);;GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format (*.gxf *.GXF);;GeoTIFF (*.tif *.tiff *.TIF *.TIFF);;Geospatial PDF (*.pdf *.PDF);;Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Golden Software ASCII Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Golden Software Binary Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif *.GIF);;Ground-based SAR Applications Testbed File Format (*.gff *.GFF);;HF2/HFZ heightfield raster (*.hf2 *.HF2);;Hierarchical Data Format Release 5 (*.h5 *.hdf5 *.H5 *.HDF5);;IGN France height correction ASCII Grid (*.mnt *.txt *.gra *.MNT *.TXT *.GRA);;ILWIS Raster Map (*.mpr *.mpl *.MPR *.MPL);;IRIS data (*.ppi *.PPI);;Idrisi Raster A.1 (*.rst *.RST);;JPEG JFIF (*.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG);;JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library (*.jp2 *.j2k *.JP2 *.J2K);;Japanese DEM (*.mem *.MEM);;KEA Image Format (*.kea *.KEA);;KOLOR Raw (*.kro *.KRO);;Kml Super Overlay (*.kml *.kmz *.KML *.KMZ);;Leveller heightfield (*.ter *.TER);;MBTiles (*.mbtiles *.MBTILES);;MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap (*.bmp *.BMP);;Magellan topo (*.blx *.BLX);;Meta Raster Format (*.mrf *.MRF);;NASA Planetary Data System 4 (*.xml *.XML);;NOAA NGS Geoid Height Grids (*.bin *.BIN);;NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX (*.gtx *.GTX);;NTv1 Datum Grid Shift (*.dat *.DAT);;NTv2 Datum Grid Shift (*.gsb *.GSB);;National Imagery Transmission Format (*.ntf *.NTF);;Natural Resources Canada's Geoid (*.byn *.err *.BYN *.ERR);;Network Common Data Format (*.nc *.NC);;Northwood Classified Grid Format .grc/.tab (*.grc *.GRC);;Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab (*.grd *.GRD);;PCIDSK Database File (*.pix *.PIX);;Portable Network Graphics (*.png *.PNG);;Portable Pixmap Format (*.pgm *.ppm *.pnm *.PGM *.PPM *.PNM);;R Object Data Store (*.rda *.RDA);;R Raster (*.grd *.GRD);;Racurs PHOTOMOD PRF (*.prf *.PRF);;Raster Matrix Format (*.rsw *.RSW);;Raster Product Format TOC format (*.toc *.TOC);;Rasterlite (*.sqlite *.SQLITE);;SAGA GIS Binary Grid (*.sdat *.sg-grd-z *.SDAT *.SG-GRD-Z);;SDTS Raster (*.ddf *.DDF);;SGI Image File Format 1.0 (*.rgb *.RGB);;SRTMHGT File Format (*.hgt *.HGT);;Scaled Integer Gridded DEM .sigdem (*.sigdem *.SIGDEM);;Snow Data Assimilation System (*.hdr *.HDR);;Standard Raster Product (*.img *.IMG);;Swedish Grid RIK (*.rik *.RIK);;Terragen heightfield (*.ter *.TER);;USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (*.lbl *.cub *.LBL *.CUB);;USGS Optional ASCII DEM (*.dem *.DEM);;VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format (*.bt *.BT);;Vexcel MFF Raster (*.hdr *.HDR);;Virtual Raster (*.vrt *.ovr *.VRT *.OVR);;WEBP (*.webp *.WEBP);;X11 PixMap Format (*.xpm *.XPM);;ZMap Plus Grid (*.dat *.DAT) src/providers/gdal/qgsgdalprovider.cpp:2287 : (buildSupportedRasterFileFilterAndExtensions) [0ms] Raster extension list built: vrt ovr tif tiff ntf toc xml img gff asc ddf dt0 dt1 dt2 png jpg jpeg mem gif n1 xpm bmp pix mpr mpl rgb hgt ter ter nc nc lbl cub xml ers jp2 j2k grb grb2 grib2 rsw nat rst grd grd grd hdr rda kml kmz webp pdf sqlite mbtiles cal ct1 mrf pgm ppm pnm hdr bt lcp gtx dat gsb ACE2 hdr kro grd byn err rik dem gxf kea bag h5 hdf5 grd grc gen img blx sdat sg-grd-z xyz hf2 e00 dat bin ppi prf dgrda sigdem mnt txt gra gpkg dwg bil zip gz tar tar.gz tgz src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:229 : (init) [0ms] raster filters: All files (*);;GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler (*.zip *.gz *.tar *.tar.gz *.tgz *.ZIP *.GZ *.TAR *.TAR.GZ *.TGZ);;ACE2 (*.ace2 *.ACE2);;ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (*.gen *.GEN);;ASCII Gridded XYZ (*.xyz *.XYZ);;Arc/Info ASCII Grid (*.asc *.ASC);;Arc/Info Binary Grid (hdr.adf HDR.ADF);;Arc/Info Export E00 GRID (*.e00 *.E00);;AutoCAD Driver (*.dwg *.DWG);;Bathymetry Attributed Grid (*.bag *.BAG);;CALS (* *..ct1 *..CAL *..CT1);;DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster (*.hdr *.HDR);;DTED Elevation Raster (*.dt0 *.dt1 *.dt2 *.DT0 *.DT1 *.DT2);;DigitalGlobe Raster Data Access driver (*.dgrda *.DGRDA);;ECRG TOC format (*.xml *.XML);;ERMapper .ers Labelled (*.ers *.ERS);;ESRI .hdr Labelled (*.bil *.BIL);;EUMETSAT Archive native (*.nat *.NAT);;Envisat Image Format (*.n1 *.N1);;Erdas Imagine Images (*.img *.IMG);;FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (*.lcp *.LCP);;GMT NetCDF Grid Format (*.nc *.NC);;GRIdded Binary (*.grb *.grb2 *.grib2 *.GRB *.GRB2 *.GRIB2);;GeoPackage (*.gpkg *.GPKG);;GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format (*.gxf *.GXF);;GeoTIFF (*.tif *.tiff *.TIF *.TIFF);;Geospatial PDF (*.pdf *.PDF);;Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Golden Software ASCII Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Golden Software Binary Grid (*.grd *.GRD);;Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif *.GIF);;Ground-based SAR Applications Testbed File Format (*.gff *.GFF);;HF2/HFZ heightfield raster (*.hf2 *.HF2);;Hierarchical Data Format Release 5 (*.h5 *.hdf5 *.H5 *.HDF5);;IGN France height correction ASCII Grid (*.mnt *.txt *.gra *.MNT *.TXT *.GRA);;ILWIS Raster Map (*.mpr *.mpl *.MPR *.MPL);;IRIS data (*.ppi *.PPI);;Idrisi Raster A.1 (*.rst *.RST);;JPEG JFIF (*.jpg *.jpeg *.JPG *.JPEG);;JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library (*.jp2 *.j2k *.JP2 *.J2K);;Japanese DEM (*.mem *.MEM);;KEA Image Format (*.kea *.KEA);;KOLOR Raw (*.kro *.KRO);;Kml Super Overlay (*.kml *.kmz *.KML *.KMZ);;Leveller heightfield (*.ter *.TER);;MBTiles (*.mbtiles *.MBTILES);;MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap (*.bmp *.BMP);;Magellan topo (*.blx *.BLX);;Meta Raster Format (*.mrf *.MRF);;NASA Planetary Data System 4 (*.xml *.XML);;NOAA NGS Geoid Height Grids (*.bin *.BIN);;NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX (*.gtx *.GTX);;NTv1 Datum Grid Shift (*.dat *.DAT);;NTv2 Datum Grid Shift (*.gsb *.GSB);;National Imagery Transmission Format (*.ntf *.NTF);;Natural Resources Canada's Geoid (*.byn *.err *.BYN *.ERR);;Network Common Data Format (*.nc *.NC);;Northwood Classified Grid Format .grc/.tab (*.grc *.GRC);;Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab (*.grd *.GRD);;PCIDSK Database File (*.pix *.PIX);;Portable Network Graphics (*.png *.PNG);;Portable Pixmap Format (*.pgm *.ppm *.pnm *.PGM *.PPM *.PNM);;R Object Data Store (*.rda *.RDA);;R Raster (*.grd *.GRD);;Racurs PHOTOMOD PRF (*.prf *.PRF);;Raster Matrix Format (*.rsw *.RSW);;Raster Product Format TOC format (*.toc *.TOC);;Rasterlite (*.sqlite *.SQLITE);;SAGA GIS Binary Grid (*.sdat *.sg-grd-z *.SDAT *.SG-GRD-Z);;SDTS Raster (*.ddf *.DDF);;SGI Image File Format 1.0 (*.rgb *.RGB);;SRTMHGT File Format (*.hgt *.HGT);;Scaled Integer Gridded DEM .sigdem (*.sigdem *.SIGDEM);;Snow Data Assimilation System (*.hdr *.HDR);;Standard Raster Product (*.img *.IMG);;Swedish Grid RIK (*.rik *.RIK);;Terragen heightfield (*.ter *.TER);;USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (*.lbl *.cub *.LBL *.CUB);;USGS Optional ASCII DEM (*.dem *.DEM);;VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format (*.bt *.BT);;Vexcel MFF Raster (*.hdr *.HDR);;Virtual Raster (*.vrt *.ovr *.VRT *.OVR);;WEBP (*.webp *.WEBP);;X11 PixMap Format (*.xpm *.XPM);;ZMap Plus Grid (*.dat *.DAT) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:233 : (init) [0ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...loaded OK (85 file filters) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [3ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [7ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [2ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [4ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [6ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [2ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2602 : (createFilters) [3ms] Driver count: 84 src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver EEDA for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver OGR_SDTS for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver Memory for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [5ms] Unknown driver GPSBabel for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver OGR_PDS for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver WFS for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver WFS3 for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver AeronavFAA for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver GFT for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver Cloudant for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver ElasticSearch for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver Walk for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver Carto for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver AmigoCloud for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver Selafin for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver PLSCENES for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver CSW for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [1ms] Unknown driver NGW for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2978 : (createFilters) [0ms] Unknown driver HTTP for file filters. src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2985 : (createFilters) [0ms] myFileFilters: PCI Geomatics Database File (*.pix *.PIX);;Network Common Data Format (*.nc *.NC);;Geospatial PDF (*.pdf *.PDF);;MBTiles (*.mbtiles *.MBTILES);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;Mapinfo File (*.mif *.tab *.MIF *.TAB);;S-57 Base file (*.000 *.000);;Microstation DGN (*.dgn *.DGN);;VRT - Virtual Datasource (*.vrt *.ovf *.VRT *.OVF);;EPIInfo .REC (*.rec *.REC);;Atlas BNA (*.bna *.BNA);;Comma Separated Value (*.csv *.CSV);;NAS - ALKIS (*.xml *.XML);;Geography Markup Language [GML] (*.gml *.GML);;GPS eXchange Format [GPX] (*.gpx *.GPX);;Keyhole Markup Language [KML] (*.kml *.kmz *.KML *.KMZ);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;TopoJSON (*.json *.topojson *.JSON *.TOPOJSON);;INTERLIS 1 (*.itf *.xml *.ili *.ITF *.XML *.ILI);;INTERLIS 2 (*.xtf *.xml *.ili *.XTF *.XML *.ILI);;GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt) (*.gmt *.GMT);;GeoPackage (*.gpkg *.GPKG);;SQLite/SpatiaLite (*.sqlite *.db *.sqlite3 *.db3 *.s3db *.sl3 *.SQLITE *.DB *.SQLITE3 *.DB3 *.S3DB *.SL3);;WAsP (*.map *.MAP);;X-Plane/Flightgear (apt.dat nav.dat fix.dat awy.dat APT.DAT NAV.DAT FIX.DAT AWY.DAT);;AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf *.DXF);;AutoCAD Driver (*.dwg *.DWG);;Geoconcept (*.gxt *.txt *.GXT *.TXT);;GeoRSS (*.xml *.XML);;GPSTrackMaker (*.gtm *.gtz *.GTM *.GTZ);;Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format (*.vfk *.VFK);;PostgreSQL SQL dump (*.sql *.SQL);;OpenStreetMap (*.osm *.pbf *.OSM *.PBF);;Special Use Airspace Format (*.sua *.SUA);;OpenAir Special Use Airspace Format (*.txt *.TXT);;Hydrographic Transfer Format (*.htf *.HTF);;Geomedia .mdb (*.mdb *.MDB);;EDIGEO (*.thf *.THF);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg *.SVG);;Idrisi Vector (.vct) (*.vct *.VCT);;Arc/Info Generate (*.gen *.GEN);;SEG-P1 (*.seg *.seg1 *.sp1 *.SEG *.SEG1 *.SP1);;UKOOA P1/90 (*.uko *.ukooa *.UKO *.UKOOA);;SEG-Y (*.sgy *.segy *.SGY *.SEGY);;MS Excel format (*.xls *.XLS);;Open Document Spreadsheet (*.ods *.ODS);;MS Office Open XML spreadsheet (*.xlsx *.XLSX);;Storage and eXchange Format (*.sxf *.SXF);;OpenJUMP JML (*.jml *.JML);;VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format (*.txt *.x10 *.TXT *.X10);;Mapbox Vector Tiles (*.mvt *.mvt.gz *.pbf *.MVT *.MVT.GZ *.PBF);;Arc/Info ASCII Coverage (*.e00 *.E00);; src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:2989 : (createFilters) [0ms] myFileFilters: Arc/Info ASCII Coverage (*.e00 *.E00);;Arc/Info Generate (*.gen *.GEN);;Atlas BNA (*.bna *.BNA);;AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf *.DXF);;AutoCAD Driver (*.dwg *.DWG);;Comma Separated Value (*.csv *.CSV);;Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format (*.vfk *.VFK);;EDIGEO (*.thf *.THF);;EPIInfo .REC (*.rec *.REC);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt) (*.gmt *.GMT);;GPS eXchange Format [GPX] (*.gpx *.GPX);;GPSTrackMaker (*.gtm *.gtz *.GTM *.GTZ);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;GeoPackage (*.gpkg *.GPKG);;GeoRSS (*.xml *.XML);;Geoconcept (*.gxt *.txt *.GXT *.TXT);;Geography Markup Language [GML] (*.gml *.GML);;Geomedia .mdb (*.mdb *.MDB);;Geospatial PDF (*.pdf *.PDF);;Hydrographic Transfer Format (*.htf *.HTF);;INTERLIS 1 (*.itf *.xml *.ili *.ITF *.XML *.ILI);;INTERLIS 2 (*.xtf *.xml *.ili *.XTF *.XML *.ILI);;Idrisi Vector (.vct) (*.vct *.VCT);;Keyhole Markup Language [KML] (*.kml *.kmz *.KML *.KMZ);;MBTiles (*.mbtiles *.MBTILES);;MS Excel format (*.xls *.XLS);;MS Office Open XML spreadsheet (*.xlsx *.XLSX);;Mapbox Vector Tiles (*.mvt *.mvt.gz *.pbf *.MVT *.MVT.GZ *.PBF);;Mapinfo File (*.mif *.tab *.MIF *.TAB);;Microstation DGN (*.dgn *.DGN);;NAS - ALKIS (*.xml *.XML);;Network Common Data Format (*.nc *.NC);;Open Document Spreadsheet (*.ods *.ODS);;OpenAir Special Use Airspace Format (*.txt *.TXT);;OpenJUMP JML (*.jml *.JML);;OpenStreetMap (*.osm *.pbf *.OSM *.PBF);;PCI Geomatics Database File (*.pix *.PIX);;PostgreSQL SQL dump (*.sql *.SQL);;S-57 Base file (*.000 *.000);;SEG-P1 (*.seg *.seg1 *.sp1 *.SEG *.SEG1 *.SP1);;SEG-Y (*.sgy *.segy *.SGY *.SEGY);;SQLite/SpatiaLite (*.sqlite *.db *.sqlite3 *.db3 *.s3db *.sl3 *.SQLITE *.DB *.SQLITE3 *.DB3 *.S3DB *.SL3);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg *.SVG);;Special Use Airspace Format (*.sua *.SUA);;Storage and eXchange Format (*.sxf *.SXF);;TopoJSON (*.json *.topojson *.JSON *.TOPOJSON);;UKOOA P1/90 (*.uko *.ukooa *.UKO *.UKOOA);;VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format (*.txt *.x10 *.TXT *.X10);;VRT - Virtual Datasource (*.vrt *.ovf *.VRT *.OVF);;WAsP (*.map *.MAP);;X-Plane/Flightgear (apt.dat nav.dat fix.dat awy.dat APT.DAT NAV.DAT FIX.DAT AWY.DAT);; src/providers/ogr/qgsogrprovider.cpp:3009 : (createFilters) [1ms] myFileFilters: All files (*);;GDAL/OGR VSIFileHandler (*.zip *.gz *.tar *.tar.gz *.tgz *.ZIP *.GZ *.TAR *.TAR.GZ *.TGZ);;Arc/Info ASCII Coverage (*.e00 *.E00);;Arc/Info Generate (*.gen *.GEN);;Atlas BNA (*.bna *.BNA);;AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf *.DXF);;AutoCAD Driver (*.dwg *.DWG);;Comma Separated Value (*.csv *.CSV);;Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format (*.vfk *.VFK);;EDIGEO (*.thf *.THF);;EPIInfo .REC (*.rec *.REC);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;ESRI Shapefiles (*.shp *.SHP);;GMT ASCII Vectors (.gmt) (*.gmt *.GMT);;GPS eXchange Format [GPX] (*.gpx *.GPX);;GPSTrackMaker (*.gtm *.gtz *.GTM *.GTZ);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;GeoJSON (*.geojson *.GEOJSON);;GeoPackage (*.gpkg *.GPKG);;GeoRSS (*.xml *.XML);;Geoconcept (*.gxt *.txt *.GXT *.TXT);;Geography Markup Language [GML] (*.gml *.GML);;Geomedia .mdb (*.mdb *.MDB);;Geospatial PDF (*.pdf *.PDF);;Hydrographic Transfer Format (*.htf *.HTF);;INTERLIS 1 (*.itf *.xml *.ili *.ITF *.XML *.ILI);;INTERLIS 2 (*.xtf *.xml *.ili *.XTF *.XML *.ILI);;Idrisi Vector (.vct) (*.vct *.VCT);;Keyhole Markup Language [KML] (*.kml *.kmz *.KML *.KMZ);;MBTiles (*.mbtiles *.MBTILES);;MS Excel format (*.xls *.XLS);;MS Office Open XML spreadsheet (*.xlsx *.XLSX);;Mapbox Vector Tiles (*.mvt *.mvt.gz *.pbf *.MVT *.MVT.GZ *.PBF);;Mapinfo File (*.mif *.tab *.MIF *.TAB);;Microstation DGN (*.dgn *.DGN);;NAS - ALKIS (*.xml *.XML);;Network Common Data Format (*.nc *.NC);;Open Document Spreadsheet (*.ods *.ODS);;OpenAir Special Use Airspace Format (*.txt *.TXT);;OpenJUMP JML (*.jml *.JML);;OpenStreetMap (*.osm *.pbf *.OSM *.PBF);;PCI Geomatics Database File (*.pix *.PIX);;PostgreSQL SQL dump (*.sql *.SQL);;S-57 Base file (*.000 *.000);;SEG-P1 (*.seg *.seg1 *.sp1 *.SEG *.SEG1 *.SP1);;SEG-Y (*.sgy *.segy *.SGY *.SEGY);;SQLite/SpatiaLite (*.sqlite *.db *.sqlite3 *.db3 *.s3db *.sl3 *.SQLITE *.DB *.SQLITE3 *.DB3 *.S3DB *.SL3);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg *.SVG);;Special Use Airspace Format (*.sua *.SUA);;Storage and eXchange Format (*.sxf *.SXF);;TopoJSON (*.json *.topojson *.JSON *.TOPOJSON);;UKOOA P1/90 (*.uko *.ukooa *.UKO *.UKOOA);;VDV-451/VDV-452/INTREST Data Format (*.txt *.x10 *.TXT *.X10);;VRT - Virtual Datasource (*.vrt *.ovf *.VRT *.OVF);;WAsP (*.map *.MAP);;X-Plane/Flightgear (apt.dat nav.dat fix.dat awy.dat APT.DAT NAV.DAT FIX.DAT AWY.DAT) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:217 : (init) [0ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...loaded OK (56 file filters) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [3ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:158 : (init) [2ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (no isProvider method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:150 : (init) [5ms] Checking /usr/lib64/qgis/ ...invalid (has type method) src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [7ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:110 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [1ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataItem src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:110 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataItem src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:110 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataItem src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:521 : (createProviderLibrary) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsdataitemproviderregistry.cpp:103 : (QgsDataItemProviderRegistry) [0ms] /usr/lib64/qgis/ does not have dataCapabilities src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:177 : (init) [0ms] Initializing QCA... src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:180 : (init) [0ms] QCA initialized. src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:183 : (init) [5ms] QCA Plugin Diagnostics Context: Checking Qt static plugins: (none) Checking Qt Library Path: /usr/lib64/qgis (No 'crypto' subdirectory) Checking Qt Library Path: /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins (class: saslPlugin) loaded as qca-cyrus-sasl (class: gcryptPlugin) loaded as qca-gcrypt (class: gnupgPlugin) loaded as qca-gnupg (class: loggerPlugin) loaded as qca-logger (class: nssPlugin) loaded as qca-nss (class: opensslPlugin) loaded as qca-ossl (class: softstorePlugin) loaded as qca-softstore Checking Qt Library Path: /usr/bin (No 'crypto' subdirectory) src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:187 : (init) [1ms] QCA supports: random,md5,sha1,keystorelist,sasl,md4,ripemd160,sha256,sha384,sha512,hmac(md5),hmac(sha1),hmac(sha256),hmac(sha384),hmac(sha512),hmac(ripemd160),aes128-ecb,aes128-cfb,aes128-cbc,aes192-ecb,aes192-cfb,aes192-cbc,aes256-ecb,aes256-cfb,aes256-cbc,blowfish-ecb,blowfish-cbc,blowfish-cfb,tripledes-ecb,des-ecb,des-cbc,des-cfb,aes128-ofb,aes192-ofb,aes256-ofb,des-ofb,tripledes-ofb,blowfish-ofb,pbkdf1(sha1),pbkdf2(sha1),pgpkey,openpgp,log,md2,des-cbc-pkcs7,sha224,hmac(sha224),aes128-cbc-pkcs7,aes128-ctr,aes192-cbc-pkcs7,aes192-ctr,aes256-cbc-pkcs7,aes256-ctr,blowfish-cbc-pkcs7,tripledes-cbc,des-ecb-pkcs7,cast5-ecb,cast5-cbc,cast5-cbc-pkcs7,cast5-cfb,cast5-ofb,pkey,dlgroup,rsa,dsa,dh,cert,csr,crl,certcollection,pkcs12,tls,cms,ca src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:197 : (init) [0ms] Prioritizing qca-ossl over all other QCA providers... src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:211 : (init) [0ms] QCA provider priorities: qca-cyrus-sasl:1, qca-gcrypt:1, qca-gnupg:1, qca-logger:1, qca-nss:1, qca-ossl:0, qca-softstore:1 src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:213 : (init) [0ms] Populating auth method registry src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:66 : (QgsAuthMethodRegistry) [0ms] Checking for auth method plugins in: /usr/lib64/qgis src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:218 : (init) [0ms] Authentication methods found: Basic, EsriToken, Identity-Cert, OAuth2, PKI-PKCS#12, PKI-Paths src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [0ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: Basic src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [1ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: EsriToken src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [0ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: Identity-Cert src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [0ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: OAuth2 src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [0ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: PKI-PKCS#12 src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:289 : (authMethod) [0ms] Auth method library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/auth/qgsauthmethodregistry.cpp:311 : (authMethod) [0ms] Instantiated the auth method plugin: PKI-Paths src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:235 : (init) [0ms] Auth database path: /home/jeremy/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/qgis-auth.db src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:239 : (init) [0ms] Auth db directory path: /home/jeremy/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:264 : (init) [0ms] Auth db exists and has data src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:396 : (createCertTables) [0ms] Creating cert tables in auth db src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:961 : (updateConfigAuthMethods) [1ms] Synching existing auth config and their auth methods src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:970 : (updateConfigAuthMethods) [0ms] Stored auth config/methods: src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2579 : (rebuildCaCertsCache) [40ms] Rebuild of CA certs cache SUCCEEDED src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2784 : (rebuildCertTrustCache) [0ms] Rebuild of cert trust policy cache SUCCEEDED src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2852 : (rebuildTrustedCaCertsCache) [4ms] Rebuilt trusted cert authorities cache src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2331 : (rebuildIgnoredSslErrorCache) [1ms] Rebuild of ignored SSL errors cache SUCCEEDED src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2188 : (dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_) [0ms] Ignored SSL errors cache items: src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2197 : (dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_) [0ms] = Certificate Untrusted, Unable to Get Local Issuer Certificate src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:2197 : (dumpIgnoredSslErrorsCache_) [0ms] = Certificate Untrusted, Unable to Get Local Issuer Certificate src/core/auth/qgsauthmanager.cpp:1700 : (initSslCaches) [0ms] Init of SSL caches SUCCEEDED src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:198 : (setActiveValues) [20ms] Style name: QgsAppStyle src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Building style sheet - 0 src/core/qgsellipsoidutils.cpp:105 : (ellipsoidParameters) [1ms] setEllipsoid: no row in tbl_ellipsoid for acronym 'NONE' src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Creating map canvas - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [4ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Welcome page - 0.004 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [18ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Message bar - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/User input dock - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [1ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Layer tree - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [1ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Undo dock - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [3ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Advanced digitize panel - 0.003 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [27ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Stats dock - 0.027 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [3ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Bookmarks widget - 0.003 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [1ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Snapping utils - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [1ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create menus - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create actions - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [1ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create action group - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [8ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Toolbars - 0.008 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [23ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Status bar - 0.023 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [9ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create canvas tools - 0.009 src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [4ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Init Layer tree view - 0.004 src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [1ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create overview - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create map tips - 0 src/app/decorations/qgsdecorationitem.cpp:78 : (setName) [0ms] name=Copyright Label nameconfig=CopyrightLabel nametrans=Copyright Label src/app/decorations/qgsdecorationitem.cpp:78 : (setName) [0ms] name=North Arrow nameconfig=NorthArrow nametrans=North Arrow src/app/decorations/qgsdecorationitem.cpp:78 : (setName) [1ms] name=Scale Bar nameconfig=ScaleBar nametrans=Scale Bar src/app/decorations/qgsdecorationitem.cpp:78 : (setName) [0ms] name=Grid nameconfig=Grid nametrans=Grid src/app/decorations/qgsdecorationitem.cpp:78 : (setName) [0ms] name=Layout Extent nameconfig=LayoutExtent nametrans=Layout Extent src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Create decorations - 0.001 src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:59 : (defaultOptions) [0ms] fontPointSize: 10 src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:78 : (defaultOptions) [0ms] fontFamily: Noto Sans src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:97 : (buildStyleSheet) [0ms] fontPointSize: 10 src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:101 : (buildStyleSheet) [0ms] fontFamily: Noto Sans src/app/qgisappstylesheet.cpp:176 : (buildStyleSheet) [0ms] Stylesheet built: QGroupBox{ font-weight: 600; }QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget { background-color: rgb(69, 69, 69, 0); outline: 0;}QFrame#mOptionsListFrame { background-color: rgb(69, 69, 69, 220);}QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item { color: white; padding: 3px;}QListWidget#mOptionsListWidget::item::selected { color: black; background-color:palette(Window); padding-right: 0px;}QTableView {selection-background-color: #3daee9;selection-color: #eff0f1;}QgsPropertyOverrideButton { background: none; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%); } QgsPropertyOverrideButton:focus { border: 1px solid palette(highlight); } src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [61ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Read settings - 0.061 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Update project from templates - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Legend layer selection changed - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Initialize 3D support - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [2ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Initialize native processing - 0.001 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [4ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Initialize layouts support - 0.004 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [2ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Geometry validation - 0.002 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Update recent project paths - 0 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [146ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Plugin manager - 0.146 src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [6ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Layer Style dock - 0.006 src/gui/qgsgui.cpp:102 : (enableAutoGeometryRestore) [4ms] WARNING: No object name set. Best for it to be set objectName when using QgsGui::enableAutoGeometryRestore src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [2ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Snapping dialog - 0.006 src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [4ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [5ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [1ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [36ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [7ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [209ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:13 [0] QGIS starting… src/app/qgisapp.cpp:10266 : (loadPythonSupport) [76ms] load library /usr/lib64/qgispython (3.4.5) src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [376ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:14 [0] Python support ENABLED :-) src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [2ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [1ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:604 : (checkCppPlugin) [0ms] Failed to get name, description, category or type for /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:521 : (restoreSessionPlugins) [3ms] Loading python plugins src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [575ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:14 Plugins[0] Loaded MetaSearch Catalog Client (package: MetaSearch) src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [19ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:14 Plugins[0] Loaded DB Manager (package: db_manager) src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [128ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:15 Python warning[1] warning:/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/algs/help/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. h.update(yaml.load(stream)) traceback: File "", line 1, in File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 299, in loadPlugin __import__(packageName) File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/", line 29, in from import * # NOQA File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/tools/", line 39, in from processing.core.Processing import Processing File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/core/", line 58, in from processing.algs.qgis.QgisAlgorithmProvider import QgisAlgorithmProvider # NOQA File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis/", line 48, in from .QgisAlgorithm import QgisAlgorithm File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/algs/qgis/", line 30, in from import shortHelp File "/usr/share/qgis/python/qgis/", line 672, in _import mod = _builtin_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) File "", line 971, in _find_and_load File "", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 665, in _load_unlocked File "", line 678, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/algs/help/", line 58, in shortHelp = loadShortHelp() File "/usr/share/qgis/python/plugins/processing/algs/help/", line 40, in loadShortHelp h.update(yaml.load(stream)) File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 109, in load load_warning('load') File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 55, in load_warning warnings.warn(message, YAMLLoadWarning, stacklevel=3) src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [1244ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:16 Processing[2] Problem with SAGA installation: SAGA was not found or is not correctly installed src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [28ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [4ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [394ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:16 Plugins[0] Loaded Processing (package: processing) src/app/qgspluginregistry.cpp:582 : (restoreSessionPlugins) [11ms] Plugin loading completed src/core/qgspythonrunner.cpp:32 : (run) [0ms] Running import pyplugin_installer src/core/qgspythonrunner.cpp:32 : (run) [32ms] Running pyplugin_installer.initPluginInstaller() src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [54ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/initPluginInstaller - 0.086 src/app/qgisapp.cpp:4385 : (restoreWindowState) [10ms] restore of UI geometry failed src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [0ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Restore window state - 0.003 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [2ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Update customization on main window - 0.002 src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [51ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Populate saved styles - 0.05 src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [1ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:16 [0] Application state: QGIS_PREFIX_PATH env var: Prefix: /usr Plugin Path: /usr/lib64/qgis Package Data Path: /usr/share/qgis Active Theme Name: default Active Theme Path: /usr/share/qgis/resources/themes/default/icons/ Default Theme Path: :/images/themes/default/ SVG Search Paths: /usr/share/qgis/svg/ /home/jeremy/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/svg/ User DB Path: /usr/share/qgis/resources/qgis.db Auth DB Path: /home/jeremy/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/qgis-auth.db src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp:29 : (logMessage) [1ms] 2019-03-20T13:04:16 [0] QGIS Ready! src/providers/db2/qgsdb2provider.cpp:1726 : (dataItem) [8ms] DB2: Browser Panel; data item detected. src/providers/ogr/qgsgeopackagedataitems.cpp:47 : (createDataItem) [1ms] path = src/providers/wcs/qgswcsdataitems.cpp:281 : (dataItem) [0ms] thePath = src/providers/wms/qgswmsdataitems.cpp:422 : (createDataItem) [0ms] path = src/core/qgsruntimeprofiler.cpp:54 : (end) [23ms] PROFILE: qgisapp/startup/Show main window - 0.031 src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [28ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp:500 : (function) [0ms] Library name is /usr/lib64/qgis/ src/providers/wms/qgstilescalewidget.cpp:128 : (showTileScale) [1ms] canvas:55fdb1e90aa0 [theMapCanvas] src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [313ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:405 : (setDestinationCrs) [1ms] refreshing after destination CRS changed src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:494 : (refresh) [0ms] CANVAS refresh - invalid settings -> nothing to do QGIS died on signal 11[New LWP 8198] [New LWP 8199] [New LWP 8200] [New LWP 8201] [New LWP 8202] [New LWP 8204] [New LWP 8211] Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e82ec250792cf22100db9966fb7547db88a8fd10" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a362372ff31ad0a95332e235ae61167cf4490bf9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d43db17dafb194471dbef7a3e755ecb2bbf57703" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3c9f553af1729d6e6484fd5b90c81cd4a3933986" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=687224743121b4299b1d01276b7a3009ecc63ee6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=07a50d7297fb2b3f708254653902d51fbde1293b" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c9150d2b4227316ef1bed5ea289b6e5443cfb3ca" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=95b799e45a989e22af6e9d31ec729170e2c92dd2" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=453259d1efe1f6e880273c8784a99e73cb850496" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0e28369b51dd96c3bb0916f505c0a1ba8e75a171" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=446a73c58a5766f3728da6081dfe5890e513b044" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b26cfe5e485978e0250c8279dcaa140260dec18f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=412eeefbcbe181cd1104d01a1b855b9f72aea33c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4ab04e658e32a23d519d777b3b8b8afd4639f8c4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d75512bb6724e5cfc25b89b3c9df1ccfa712387e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=24fbed0cb29b72e529ff7911963e067cd2f65bca" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=66cfed8238d26dcfeba542b2e480b3e20db3b2dd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ec85c5a15420ee1b1b8d83a524ad0f83ebee4b9d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a85c5a07412206861da30e8ce0c3b86a087f8ecd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e1e1fc6b0e94dc99724b564dd44ff250b34535a5" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f6f3fa9152335438f8404352182cc40a89236aec" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f30f49a64e018067ca35f957ec11a5da8c180ede" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=33084f6901ec24c0e9e96b34ba44b2384ac59512" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5ea96a26c5a9924be82a70c18b07cf1b2269e60a" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1e8038d58788ff7546c54ef151a441567c5119dc" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4062821f420b0c3d46ea03f208cae1a710516c4e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9eb25ee864ec4f20d6e895b2ff33d1c5b3452410" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=60085683d66412fa8cd5115bbeebd480147d318c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1c8c0ffff033620647e2755e0e73f45682a63669" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a2070740b891990821b515ff006a700c38a0dfec" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4d30fdac540edfb77869b3d34bd56893f5fa8879" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6500c00bea1aa9bb1c023c36c4aa1f4456629328" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7cc74fd6abaa715de4a46d34483134f6f932b703" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3f0e98cc4be070d602e8c3a64246e67eb1c8ce79" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b03cb1d41b0f1808da19ae63a38ecc8947bd95a9" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=466795ee7b9ca76122c66d034e7f18c7593d306e" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f82798ed148c2a88dcddbaa67c838c824e1a43e9" [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/". Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3f6a5a08196a28c3e3bb7b0da22c196e4863314e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6f8d1393a956fccc0f9f53788660bff1a07cd274" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=50b253c0afbd7e7d5a95ce169be3e2414fa4706a" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9ca7a2b246871c3eeaa954a4a1315bbbbd335cc7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=cafd6674485893a5e47376d468a7f576fe2688c9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=cb0b8330584b5ba73c771804127abd0fb8f9ee8a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6cfc5c5ca656d7f4d937d0a20531556eb7df004d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2e3fe9156462d55f660830566af577c7f9a4d4bf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=42abdfb355bc7d1846df40e25df3e389d7ef9280" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d59f83f9b3cd8ba31fc817cd0aeb34d30a73e3a0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4697a046f2feca9e49755bc422bdaf5b05826a1b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2ffed4c6c3f4a7adffc03e38663173f1bdca6a81" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4558e2a6b9ccbfa90219a861e9be411ef9ba4f54" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e5773c95d44ba88bdbf38f9a98f48fdad514d9c3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=01b250dde290257b7f19881e0db3d927f4dd7e93" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=86987b20f7c03d412d944b62d4679a7787489bde" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=96c8746b0b7fd728f5add4e475a8848e7b7d18f3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=854ee1629f76acd05673d5450a621bebc230ea51" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d76793254394e0747246a3a4c6bca8f4b60803b9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=85a02d3d837974258f2c1853ed6ff19a5505b39f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=626672faaa93192ee959a6c2a161b6bfff93c0c8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8465e4896e9f41dfab65298c47f8b933efe625ac" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f994aea850ed0a512b8b49e37da9a93d7dc594f9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5e8c0b77f7800b8f01f0af3a9b89fa99da5440b6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c49115d2ba8c6df024395408e32d3583596b4828" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b2a9c91ea4287e9e30cf4d57db3ff290d6cadd61" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=470d5685a80a656942343f5154b3e50ab18bf664" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f819d3e29f4accca64165c9534fe2c3a45eea54f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=88a201686975ad8d070ed5c2f2a3f47ee10d18dd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5ea7e768b76b02ed4755b32e6e7cacb90dce3c78" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=efdfbf5a856f6ae09f3a2be58ad0429a959d021a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=292cf245fc5e7f5111f03a4e4f8dda67f93e201d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ddacddf74eeba0ec57a802fc58f3e30fa09ad88e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d5e2cac07bf3a0a29039e8ecd6d8b2e79228dad4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=330ee09280acce73e87b478a1c4820ad7ef1dd91" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=717a0bbd903857360e66b279cd483ecdb295ad99" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=bc6206985118d6571010390f0cd86872871b5cbd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e910b353e55e2651a39f11e39ab53deebc298134" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4a207b9010f058efac0d1034811580b9700a7c70" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=52fe6d02e8d102bfd3ba1d78a8d583c8e95e883f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8e17e73173a92d0c67d9f762c602c9a6a82fb476" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=cb14c7265692f8c9954fa63e1fecfc6787a33372" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9bfd2ad6d20d0286f29c90b3c8c738d4e82ed23e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7303f2792ca6556e2624ea3f14fe5724e9c65f95" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1daa0f19bc9d36e4696f3430ae30c2ea3a4f6b89" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2c7e9440deb1279a12db0686794b642edd5491e9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c1265aa92399d507bc573ab135a156927e603cfa" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f4684623e512b5703a870ba315901e3d50f1e4c7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=193aac071106f523850f89e2d28d48868e97f0fe" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=84886ee5547c0327048a2e4f21b709d94838c280" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=cb0655f801c1f76a5bb29f0fc25954881462a1f8" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a1a84d304e283d52e44332ec3fbf2f6f705bd5ff" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c9d3f884aa7993fadd2448f636ec401c64ecf722" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2dd1a74140a6d3827a3dd70439f6b210725b8526" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=26075f6aa769e887613299c7a68335a198873400" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7a0daa2e133b7a9c3492766c30b87ba4bf8fdfca" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=78a5e01ade6b3d8db9bc9bcf7d7452c057ab7ac1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7183abb7da95fad60aa1b47a4526dab890b7c07c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1ad40bdfe9fa6c5f4597769e8fd76ea2d9e9760e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ddeeafa18db92852cb4bd8cf1cf829ea203e9d38" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=363462ea53ed88710f3aec2d879af9f9bde7cd1b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=354246a8966215f97f061f45d06ecaeea6697b35" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=70404535e145645b599c469ea4476fc4c8357b03" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0e6d5b62943990607d0f3199e3fe7f47d729c4f3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a055a722c16b775c462afd06d7e106f21b8b96f3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b5e4f0176a9c38afae0f4254e4e71fb80c70015a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9d3b2b67346705c61874113869fc49cda1e59f7e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=205fc4136f2bb84a2d849ced305575a8c406f897" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c5812b92d66f7cdd4e4e8f284c1b4d629356a80d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b11f25a029eb1867928e30aa67f45389b12125bf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3ac41d743c1c3e1c3bc27e7a10929b03b5c954cd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=bca2919b18ba60c2a500915683fc5e84e0ce6a90" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=befe9397fef7b6d4cf7735e71bc46ddee3c3fcb6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=40d34b8935bce09bf1b586ad9fde8c6981e3ff7d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c9eb56ed69a918a1ac7f422801d7d761b6719079" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=05a9f08fbc174560c6d610279aeb42e0ac560502" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e9b0456bb80d3faec87d16914d095c2a6ba544ab" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=63bb61fe50e1782c7e093583580c9dea81f23527" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=eb6e23a3efd8b72ebbf62a3a7e66522a8a9eb789" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e20af1f33e86724690243bafb4371c37362001be" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e6cc303ce1f7fe14bbc1449b11f316240cc3b600" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a7c724b2247b901cf02636ffb4cd1579eeee53de" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e582dad7865dd72a259c95d0fc74a537d79ce0e5" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2ab0bb32a9c0e29652f262714e90268c514e1abf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c1b499a515b16587f665f1f92d129313ba05cc4b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=21c0916a188edc44d992d2152d002f90171b7302" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fc584f507fe77479b62a02843d026e66c1b7675f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b7ebf1cb96ad3dda74b27ffea44418bd4e40ce8f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=64095c482c4aa5244dad3ef07eefa5c5d1715f11" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3fd81437292744a66195450737e33ce92d3c51c9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8f8e84a9bef3912eed8acc5736d2cfe4a59fcf29" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b56613de927b64ab8b50d7f6a1fea453b6e7ebab" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6a8e76464a8f8f17118793f0b43d45a226392039" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dc3a3d55e8d3a1dbdc6f81b8fc4ff90d92590bb1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=af36f85ad2f7f950f5cb7ac1eeb7d2952cf3d27d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=99c26d303bd30e0cf1f283bb812c9be1035c760f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=33937ee8baf9642dedb1c797f5049dd6ff73aa6b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e6da9bf6317098ecda897ccb6f5524b89ee60b00" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4d223a37b9a7209aaebb42e7a1e1fb5266501f78" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4101948b261ac5b6d8643d34976b2aea4385680d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=acc252002c5293abf027a1fa505dfff8de794a81" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=759a9482d40bf68183e123300d666cda580d3ccc" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dbfbcf61e46f675ba21cef54c7e6d8664a73b352" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9ad19a9b77ab3c7217d4e01f9d3369848a2a5d2e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8a4422aaa6f3021435dbc980119f603f93c25b58" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0fbaed7600db1edbbc687dfb885f47d958946b1c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=26f7cfa3961245be8177d0a2a0d19cbb0514de8d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/platforms/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b5018972a7fb8803de658a54043189370fd1f78e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=551e4403d058476f37de93922ceffb9bdc5c24ae" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7b5d932f22f7320e98765d966cea2f8a7654b6a9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ceeab058dec326fc3505fe5d2bef69fd67cebf47" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=490891d1dcbd60b05902aa61bf9058ebdddac8cf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=447ef3f4fa1bf8e88498e05625f2719631bc06eb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b0056c81ef7df373d8b6eb614faea11cd53f345a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dbc98d19b4474cc1757558d0f4402be59d0a3309" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=eb81b7cdb3a446fc851fb0886d3bd2996097476e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0afeb309efd5b98ba0d3b5444e5b80fe11e5ba2a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=bcc94a6c317455c8e11044a8628252d85160517f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=964d20a5edf86b65c01a14de7d542db06d02e6d0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4f986cd123f2810f0e51510ad0133e5c1912149f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a2a8f1038082364579278a5acdc65341b8c043f7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dd904d94caee8b5ff75c400dc0342cd04c32d8fe" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d65557a7d948f50280ef185837b97f2babbe4c82" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fb59991a8467fd61363124e41c1c7c9e0e9d1f56" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=35f961c245321285f1e2970ec017d1dce3e9a419" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=64928bb0ab25a6e3a5323ca534da3e9e771bd652" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5358178e87f2cfa42028138f0e915bfcc2ac4fda" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fe1f9107049ede7c35286dab93700b798365b895" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f7ac95970dca43ab33ad52ff08aaa668cd78ffd4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=45886473becd10a9bf1705a7cff86d5276af76b1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=26742b2ff984147a2c7508148704b3cb2f752038" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=aa047315ac397f95aa829f479b1039b63aa05809" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/xcbglintegrations/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=15aedca2a555952c6b83c606376534ea0d6226b8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1017d752c57f835dae12a16672dd294fedd19667" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8e5b74d64af4eba0b7f88406bc42d22dbe7aea2d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=189dd016060815602a03be011706361181e39bee" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=07611b5426164d8f2c125eec1b1ef54d48e9ed1e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d53da27f8c992a944fd85137608a2c43185c865e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7da25b1ab8bbe281ed0d884c99ce5cdc10b86922" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e3921364f5e5da1d37292732b2ccd165afb99ea7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=baf5ad98596e739f98c5419e641333a7d3ccd134" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=58ab0c5341742a4872191c4438c9ee43a8896f81" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=91b741b4e00525d46a06d0ff3e088778459f9f21" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=785aadc8d55037b8fb536d80f7695c0a9930a53e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=06148d04e1cbce8497e7ee9b5fd1149f67ce81f9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=95fd5e70cc26779917d0e23dd0b8ce76883f9741" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a613f75a6cad0665ae22945bb1db303559831153" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f92bba4e48e7328ac53d7cd0d3b1424379eee9b8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=43461514bfe8b7a0a68b8cdaa61bc0d591835e72" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9ea08fc4385b33c9697182dd23334959296b254e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=60bda59e258fa0575f95d5cb176d03e19927aff4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=aa0a2c584eaf8f9ca2b56627474a6239c9f1ca4a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1b395d7119ecfb9bd8697b488e1388fb378f8719" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8ba6365fc400521337a78424d3f11db7af18c755" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=405a6ac37074f551f46f2efc0b8f19dcb1e2dedf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=87d219446db67cff7b3f6795490aead994924993" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6f7a739f341c7792f63dd6f08d2869e37e178bd4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f935bcb2a5e5831fcea3ec2f908172ad0c47fa12" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5ab4a6d41e79649afecf9f4323626454cd94463f" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1f9a8e7dcbd49b8cda3cc92d3e49a94d5944b836" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=647c34760c04bb79c702e041e72e88550bbd4428" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=31b63c7175f0de2b609b510d9740542ced6f1192" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=205b76f5202ab947212345302d261b2065026e9d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fa45b72cd0d755d56f559e9fd740c9ff2b69cbc7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5e6b4126def5b9cfb18165c5c98527f6fbdf2770" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2df981d1337f8a19aea2acb6f866741a06c75df4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5864fe2babef5b697a27062b74341d075b63e570" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9a7c089dcc2d49bae2b978ca9dc66c88ddbe3ba6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=be795188fddfdb8e99bdc9c8f7356d6de58d2f48" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8f6dd6761fb3cfd3eeb1157080c0224a96828276" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=268850e76755179dadcf30f0fc79610965da42fc" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=002604c43b60df91899b13d74488b8c610707c4a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f5408e29b5897844f1707c5485333b459d8cfb42" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=36d6c58437a3c177fa916c36c8f5073b3e288146" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=daa8caaf34c345c8e56cabfbc77106b8def04069" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/pulseaudio/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ea072003097d0d166bea6e872da51186001ef4cb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c6791c900964541a3e030a82655e4355fc430ab2" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=546024def27a64deaf0792f71487c3c88ce23805" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a1ba55e2e3236d160e3d7facdd56f5201c5d3075" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e49eb980661dc0b8110dcbcb83f848d5277f030c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=943a9c041a8df270fb5fb107275bf81ed44e92d8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=82ccbc3723426affd5023c6f90ab40ef64ef47f4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/styles/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d7605233037411200187ca8f6489cbeb17d15a11" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=07cdb11183ed6aeb8f01aee29974047f376442e3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7eb7a8dc35fbc73564fa80b43d698344bf30b309" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8a92e457c31a87741167a2d5204fa55619b950f8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8f3dbe2ded9e0fad900484dbdd00e90b88bd62f3" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e4250f02d02d25313a08cc9b243d7cf5f8cb55a6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1d06d2c2795c8bb19c1cd2e3e23fc72736c03aa4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1d22286e09e466f2ffed30d6f5b8919978d9d4e0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=cc96beb3c21ecf250c9b5b04afc938827a0926b0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dfad062e49d90be4976fadbc3ef2a491249714c2" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3f577d057847964da0682c56858d2f2f127b7d19" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b442edafda14de58d81df54a1ca43537ef43140a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=eb18d27ef3a1caee707dd0bcf5105e5de4473aac" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ba0ec633863d3a5e014f4e189160d1aca21ed277" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a590446171c5d302ae96a00f8ebbda3fdf5bfb18" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=260662698c841e2f65d4c18ad2f3a08211f2b30a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2c8b878d095b322894636bfc9609ef9ac96fb19e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a8879aef244d2ba82cbd43d5fed2720f7003addb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=28335b7fb02b0a23cda74a9b82f3894f995a2f8a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ae54dc6cacd1dd630458555f44f7492fd7009a7f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d4ca603e1f7c7a6a01de9fdb7ec55bcb1b72f547" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b9fff9e3702003aaeb46370fbdc0c86939e293cf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9dea835a7510ee6ddbd6eacf4cae15eb55178afb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=baeedcd314324f1ccf50b6d7234df9020c39e1a1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8280c6a1c7f47c23bdd31072fe575c86747828ef" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6c40411ac2010ab4dfd108e6f23880f9ee1a5243" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fcccc8818d21fead9460d321bd1bb3a96f762e8a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7da6eb8a1d59f03ec3d51038a80ad8f827cb30bf" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/imageformats/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0936c4de51d2255e2dc396a93bdb5a9988d012f0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f73337a26839d1edc4e540235a730c97dca45988" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dddc151c46c789ed8f8b3c6f7dffe9fce0c245a1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=06abed2801cf69ec1d46ceced08786e34658bae0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=542897ee2df2fc3d9f910aea2c1a2c42ce9b1ab9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=34b2518b035a9c17dd1e94d87eff934a4081d465" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7e079be8a7d96b0ef555c03c9deb96595e0a0224" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4756f2ec5596947bebd4bd183557decba44fec6b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5474ce1f6e64b449ebdc347ee6a7e89a091f2856" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a22b424d16f116348d90b426b8f8910302cdf11b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a3d99c70b5a00b2a14a19d7b2aa879f7199f2c79" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/dri/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=08d327bab85854b7648010cee38cd724ad287387" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=dd77f4e568a07d7480f6f8b945aa6cb7c9180303" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=953c84e81bedc46f25b752f282b5cc862f8add9d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=3162693a899b23ed15ad5fbce403370cedc46743" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9c4199a7199b395cf4d74a417f87031d7d4e2cd0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/iconengines/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=268be97ee0fdff6814e607b5df8e2927043039e7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a057c131b379ca4dfc55ce0e621624436e42d0c5" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fad680235509f85fc02c1f6c8ce44e9bbdb537f7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c78598a19320109c809028fdae49017dc7a1ec76" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4c6d17e593e6a9f83df29ff14196d396c799c468" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7ae29a3cbb65162ff4f0559ea2f50a9264ee40c7" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=642874986dd7cf65d0e889cac0329ea6e3ccb790" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6f85451f19230dc19b803d71626e3fcc265d8ff6" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=268c10f594a0de9275db7b5f62b0b40a76301333" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/crypto/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=41af85a5c8f82754cb6e904440405edad4f0015e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/sqldrivers/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=b2c7348464a333f910a29e22b23c5fcf5f60ec66" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/bearer/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f85dd571002f030a867da5b899124016c9da4b33" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/bearer/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f56b9221aea1c958de4bee18756f2ad85055af4a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/bearer/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=aa98f2e25ba7e4af029e3b51e1f38fcbddb811f1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=af61a80030c32afe66f998552c607b7f7c9b954d" Missing separate debuginfo for /lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1521e80fd294eefdcf76d17aade478c20ec3866e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d453ccc84eeacc651260546507e2cd8d08827c3e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=942316697cad65186c83301cb780f143fbe61310" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e3cb4caf656be64048877899d2675c37ee04dc70" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=547ae4050580c52e9653218828c92a363b102200" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e60277bbc47e6f85ac11e70f804ab4c79257cddc" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c68c8bd6f0abd14621df22a522464696c29eb0fa" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=a7b32e2d75c10eed96f49df3d88c313e4627057f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7c2c732a1559b6a44b1aaa0a5b4b1578867e7e33" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c650ddb848be7eb9bab8310aa5acd3f1d3256bc8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=10c824339f652acc23db145f9d210fe43c821e50" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9aa4abbc40818a22ef2e7ed7b7a4a4f4914c6c3f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=4aa1d43a9a3ff89b6cd5a61a3953f6ebb2132b97" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=74279aa31f8bdb1aeee6bf341ef52a19ebbd080f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=0872fd522d9b80fae69cf86c174262b182fa78f1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=aa72a13aa9f423a1892f86bdf79e3d800173f831" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6e0ddc6fc153487c311c66f212cb20ee24f7b288" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=5ca027b41eebfc45365cfb39f9fca6fffb94b36b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fb66ba85445bb84946a83ea9af935fe0aee2fde0" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=27cff047edc02564ce3f3ffe7d7a22e9f9a6923a" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f87da12bbafa1185ff370d3fb60ea86d7dbaccca" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=97069e78754eab9dfab047a40d394e5bfc79e119" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=17295234683bcba402cb1f4932e8a14ac67b6227" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=469d24f9cd39d75803b4061e312b178b7e092c6d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ae0e62ea92bfa482e540314a74b30c2d9ac883ac" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=9c5781e0f8e4f68baaab18640260aab234d4e8b4" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1e16e00a55df26d41c97d6e24ef57f2d6ae49cc9" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8d82dde11545c133faeaed723b66916010841f86" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=87e6713646c641bdb1d023bbac084a7f45031897" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e7b5ac919c4d26910b3b5897fe4ff8aa0a0be90f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=1af267f1625e0008abddedbda92faeb5969a456f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e43e92cde1b7cd8c39cfd6bd29463db14379ab6e" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c0746986c376811c01ca81642c66dae423819b64" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=77bfef78f3a4069405408b74cd5dcf24b7bc38fe" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c7e8f4c77b971678fedaf3d665aec244c25f4688" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=40dab7b222650b3093b21d6d7a04c94f967a0232" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=02fae667bf7bb02608482032e35f0d80bffde388" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=838121ee2df8c9e54a6e2bf2a12a768991177a06" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/markupsafe/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=21eaa7e35c73cf23bcb446406964be3f3f1c782f" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=d2ab53da7acdeb8b75e6217e4679a1a701805910" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7bd5719dbea88260fc7ce54a61a31cc1310d0d6b" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=57ec4745a6e9ace2ce4622668762bb23f1f8957c" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7c62ca597e729ca49cfbc7f7c2833526bc2e94eb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=8107a2490477fdc89d206e218e93c763e23463ce" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=ad34df30e907b8544f94e08aaf2f3f0dcd89daa2" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=2d58bc01d86396a82d980c032844015774d6e9bd" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fea168b97f83a206ad142b26feb65677c3b1f180" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/osgeo/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=876179b8379155157670c61cd83a820e0801adc8" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=bd79e02c9f5fd0eed4d0acc15b66482c6431340d" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=727dfc3dc39a7fb75569cfa509d2e87f3cb4e648" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=304cdd1f967f33fa733ced85ea0c1933223587a1" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=311dabf00ff26e856ffaf60e69f72a9de39d50ca" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=28fedef37f94009fc61fc0cdc7b8432befd370ec" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=7b4cb00f70f28d543a71ef4554c160ad2a13fdd5" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=62b4e8e6329f442b97215b2e47996046162c8a92" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=bc67c2efe5209e5aa9ce8c26f93262d21e45ffda" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/linalg/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=c54c5e2289bb05eccae440e99a2deb70952c6bd5" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/fft/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=f06dee458c63df3da4348700ec14edd86a7539ec" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/random/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=66a62a29e1d160a971b1665187e1c0b2716b7071" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=fb9a7cbddef24888e5cac817f01e6383e059fd65" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/lib-dynload/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=e3353f0782a1ee584120fd6ce332a7ac94d1becb" Missing separate debuginfo for /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/ Try: zypper install -C "debuginfo(build-id)=6ded62c6f9aef29c81312675afd7faabaf435bad" 0x00007ffa096ffd97 in waitpid () from /lib64/ [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7ffa0e41ea40 (LWP 8196))] #0 0x00007ffa096ffd97 in waitpid () from /lib64/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x000055fdafa1659e in qgisCrash (signal=) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/app/main.cpp:335 status = 0 pidstr = "--pid=8196", '\000' gdbpid = exename = "/usr/bin/qgis", '\000' , "\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\200", '\000' , "\241\267\316\002\372\177\000\000\241\267\316\002\372\177\000\000\241\267\316\002\372\177\000\000I\035\272\263\375U\000\000\000\000\000@\246TXA\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\210mt\226\035\244r@", '\000' ... len = #2 No symbol table info available. #3 0x00007ff9f5e2698d in pj_free () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #4 0x00007ffa081f4dec in ?? () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007ffa081f5e54 in OCTProj4Normalize () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00007ffa081e5230 in OGRSpatialReference::importFromProj4(char const*) () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #7 0x00007ffa0bdf62e4 in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setProj4String (this=this@entry=0x7ffca746eba0, proj4String=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp:1126 l = {mOldlocale = 0x55fdb2392c70 "C", static sLocaleLock = { = {d_ptr = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x1}}}}, }} pContext = proj = __FUNCTION__ = "setProj4String" #8 0x00007ffa0bdf9935 in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromProj4 (this=this@entry=0x7ffca746eba0, proj4String=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp:847 crsIt = myProj4String = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1eea710} myProjRegExp = {priv = 0x55fdb1fe1a50} myStart = myEllipseRegExp = {priv = 0x55fdb1fbcde0} myAxisRegExp = {priv = 0x55fdb227d9a0} mySrsId = 0 myRecord = {d = 0x7ffa0a34dd20 } __FUNCTION__ = "createFromProj4" #9 0x00007ffa0bdfa6dc in QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromProj4 (proj4=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgscoordinatereferencesystem.cpp:171 crs = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5824e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c582460 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c403ef0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x7ffa0c936c70 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = {d = 0x55fdb1acdb30}, static mCustomSrsValidation = 0x7ffa0d7c7f30 , static sSrIdCacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrIdCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sOgcLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sOgcCache = {{d = 0x55fdb2660140, e = 0x55fdb2660140}}, static sProj4CacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sProj4Cache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSWktLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sWktCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSSrsIdLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrsIdCache = {{d = 0x55fdb226d120, e = 0x55fdb226d120}}, static sCrsStringLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sStringCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}} #10 0x00007ffa0be4cecc in QgsEllipsoidUtils::ellipsoidParameters (ellipsoid=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgsellipsoidutils.cpp:154 cacheIt = params = {valid = true, semiMajor = 6378137, semiMinor = 6356752.3142451793, useCustomParameters = false, inverseFlattening = 298.25722356300003, crs = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5824e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c582460 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c403ef0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x7ffa0c936c70 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = {d = 0x55fdb22ea900}, static mCustomSrsValidation = 0x7ffa0d7c7f30 , static sSrIdCacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrIdCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sOgcLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sOgcCache = {{d = 0x55fdb2660140, e = 0x55fdb2660140}}, static sProj4CacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sProj4Cache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSWktLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sWktCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSSrsIdLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrsIdCache = {{d = 0x55fdb226d120, e = 0x55fdb226d120}}, static sCrsStringLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sStringCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}}} radius = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb3ba4c40} parameter2 = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb3bdbed0} database = {> = {_M_t = {_M_t = {> = {> = {> = { = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x55fdb3c9e618}, }, }}}, } statement = {> = {_M_t = {_M_t = {> = {> = {> = { = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x55fdb3f8b888}, }, }}}, } result = 0 sql = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb3bf5530} __FUNCTION__ = "ellipsoidParameters" proj4 = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1eea710} destCRS = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5824e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c582460 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c403ef0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x7ffa0c936c70 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = {d = 0x55fdb1acdb30}, static mCustomSrsValidation = 0x7ffa0d7c7f30 , static sSrIdCacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrIdCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sOgcLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sOgcCache = {{d = 0x55fdb2660140, e = 0x55fdb2660140}}, static sProj4CacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sProj4Cache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSWktLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sWktCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSSrsIdLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrsIdCache = {{d = 0x55fdb226d120, e = 0x55fdb226d120}}, static sCrsStringLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sStringCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}} #11 0x00007ffa0bf16efb in QgsMapSettings::setEllipsoid (this=this@entry=0x55fdb1e90ad8, ellipsoid=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgsmapsettings.cpp:311 params = {valid = 240, semiMajor = 6.9526456662338544e-310, semiMinor = 4.6712966125434431e-310, useCustomParameters = 237, inverseFlattening = 4.6712972218030634e-310, crs = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5824e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c582460 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c403ef0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x7ffa0c936c70 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = {d = 0x7ffa0c4f8520 }, static mCustomSrsValidation = 0x7ffa0d7c7f30 , static sSrIdCacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrIdCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sOgcLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sOgcCache = {{d = 0x55fdb2660140, e = 0x55fdb2660140}}, static sProj4CacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sProj4Cache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSWktLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sWktCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSSrsIdLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sSrsIdCache = {{d = 0x55fdb226d120, e = 0x55fdb226d120}}, static sCrsStringLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}}}, }}, static sStringCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}}} #12 0x00007ffa0cf98d3a in QgsMapCanvas::::operator() (__closure=0x55fdb1b11360) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/gui/qgsmapcanvas.cpp:142 this = 0x55fdb1e90aa0 this = #13 QtPrivate::FunctorCall, QtPrivate::List<>, void, QgsMapCanvas::QgsMapCanvas(QWidget*):: >::call (arg=, f=...) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:130 No locals. #14 QtPrivate::Functor, 0>::call, void> (arg=, f=...) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:240 No locals. #15 QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject, 0, QtPrivate::List<>, void>::impl(int, QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *, QObject *, void **, bool *) (which=, this_=0x55fdb1b11350, r=, a=, ret=) at /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/qobject_impl.h:168 No locals. #16 0x00007ffa0a24715c in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib64/ No symbol table info available. #17 0x00007ffa0c4247f5 in QgsProject::ellipsoidChanged (this=this@entry=0x55fdb1ad7ff0, _t1=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/build/src/core/moc_qgsproject.cpp:928 _a = {0x0, 0x7ffca746eee0} #18 0x00007ffa0bfa6afb in QgsProject::setEllipsoid (this=this@entry=0x55fdb1ad7ff0, ellipsoid=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/core/qgsproject.cpp:644 No locals. #19 0x00007ffa0d808ed2 in QgisApp::fileNew (this=this@entry=0x55fdb1c9c3f0, promptToSaveFlag=promptToSaveFlag@entry=true, forceBlank=forceBlank@entry=true) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/app/qgisapp.cpp:5430 settings = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffa0a6c99e0 , stringdata = 0x7ffa0c592d80 , data = 0x7ffa0c592d40 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c43a7e0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, static sGlobalSettingsPath = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a48950}, mUserSettings = 0x55fdb3ee3460, mGlobalSettings = 0x55fdb3f23400, mUsingGlobalArray = false} dirtyBlocker = {mProject = 0x55fdb1ad7ff0} prj = 0x55fdb1ad7ff0 red = green = blue = alpha = defCrs = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0c4c0c40 <{lambda()#4}::operator()() const::qstring_literal>} srs = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5824e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c582460 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c403ef0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x7ffa0c936c70 , extradata = 0x0}}, d = {d = 0x55fdb26734d0}, static mCustomSrsValidation = 0x7ffa0d7c7f30 , static sSrIdCacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sSrIdCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sOgcLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sOgcCache = {{d = 0x55fdb2660140, e = 0x55fdb2660140}}, static sProj4CacheLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sProj4Cache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSWktLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sWktCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}, static sCRSSrsIdLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sSrsIdCache = {{d = 0x55fdb226d120, e = 0x55fdb226d120}}, static sCrsStringLock = {d_ptr = {> = {_q_value = {_M_b = {}}}, }}, static sStringCache = {{d = 0x7ffa0a303880 , e = 0x7ffa0a303880 }}} #20 0x00007ffa0d80924f in QgisApp::fileNewBlank (this=this@entry=0x55fdb1c9c3f0) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/app/qgisapp.cpp:5351 No locals. #21 0x00007ffa0d81ec77 in QgisApp::QgisApp (this=, splash=, restorePlugins=, skipVersionCheck=, rootProfileLocation=..., activeProfile=..., parent=, fl=...) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/app/qgisapp.cpp:1398 myGreen = mainSnappingWidgetMode = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb2393f00} zoomShortCut2 = toggleRevert = puzzleWidget = caption = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb269baf0} attributeTableVisible = showUndoDock = showBookmarksDock = actions = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x55fdb3e7c270}, d = 0x55fdb3e7c270}} settings = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffa0a6c99e0 , stringdata = 0x7ffa0c592d80 , data = 0x7ffa0c592d40 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c43a7e0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, static sGlobalSettingsPath = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a48950}, mUserSettings = 0x55fdb21ad9d0, mGlobalSettings = 0x55fdb21153f0, mUsingGlobalArray = false} templateDirName = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb2033280} showStylingDock = attributeTableSelected = it = showAdvancedDigitizingDock = profiler = showGpsDock = showStatsDock = zoomInShortCut = zoomInToolShortCut = profileTimes = { >> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x7ffca746f050}, d = 0x7ffca746f050}} centralWidget = centralLayout = myRed = myBlue = zoomOutShortCut = dbError = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } showBrowserDock = profiler = dbError = settings = centralWidget = centralLayout = myRed = myGreen = myBlue = showUndoDock = showAdvancedDigitizingDock = showStatsDock = showBookmarksDock = templateDirName = showStylingDock = mainSnappingWidgetMode = showBrowserDock = showGpsDock = caption = zoomInShortCut = zoomShortCut2 = zoomOutShortCut = zoomInToolShortCut = attributeTableSelected = attributeTableVisible = actions = profileTimes = it = toggleRevert = puzzleWidget = projectsTemplateWatcher = dock = dialog = layout = myPaths = myPathList = size = size = name = time = profiler = dbError = settings = centralWidget = centralLayout = myRed = myGreen = myBlue = showUndoDock = showAdvancedDigitizingDock = showStatsDock = showBookmarksDock = templateDirName = showStylingDock = mainSnappingWidgetMode = showBrowserDock = showGpsDock = caption = zoomInShortCut = zoomShortCut2 = zoomOutShortCut = zoomInToolShortCut = attributeTableSelected = attributeTableVisible = actions = profileTimes = it = toggleRevert = puzzleWidget = projectsTemplateWatcher = dock = dialog = layout = myPaths = myPathList = size = size = name = time = #22 0x000055fdafa12194 in main (argc=, argv=) at /usr/src/debug/qgis-ltr-3.4.5-lp150.1.3.x86_64/src/app/main.cpp:1306 manager = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffa0a6c99e0 , stringdata = 0x7ffa0c59e5c0 , data = 0x7ffa0c59e560 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c45c760 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, mWatchProfiles = false, mWatcher = {_M_t = {_M_t = { >> = { >> = {, true>> = {> = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x0}, }, }}}, mRootProfilePath = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a53e20}, mUserProfile = {_M_t = {_M_t = { >> = { >> = {, true>> = {> = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x0}, }, }}}, mSettings = {_M_t = {_M_t = { >> = { >> = {, true>> = {> = {}, }, }, > = {_M_head_impl = 0x55fdb1a537b0}, }, }}}} profile = myApp = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffa0b64b040 , stringdata = 0x7ffa0c5814e0 , data = 0x7ffa0c581420 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c3fb210 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, static QGIS_ORGANIZATION_NAME = 0x7ffa0c49855f "QGIS", static QGIS_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN = 0x7ffa0c4c0f44 "", static QGIS_APPLICATION_NAME = 0x7ffa0c4c0f3e "QGIS3", static mFileOpenEventReceiver30405 = 0x0, static mFileOpenEventList30405 = {> = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x7ffa0a303900 }, d = 0x7ffa0a303900 }}, }, static mProfilePath30405 = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a4b5d0}, static mUIThemeName30405 = {static null = , d = 0x7ffa0a301820 }, static mPrefixPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1b076c0}, static mPluginPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1b07420}, static mPkgDataPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1accd90}, static mLibraryPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1b070a0}, static mLibexecPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1ad8bc0}, static mQmlImportPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x7ffa0a301820 }, static mThemeName30405 = {static null = , d = 0x7ffa0c4c2920 }, static mDefaultSvgPaths30405 = {> = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x55fdb1b07470}, d = 0x55fdb1b07470}}, }, static mSystemEnvVars30405 = {d = 0x55fdb1b06eb0}, static mConfigPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1b074a0}, static mInitialized30405 = true, static mRunningFromBuildDir30405 = false, static mBuildSourcePath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x7ffa0a301820 }, static mBuildOutputPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x7ffa0a301820 }, static mGdalSkipList30405 = {> = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x7ffa0a303900 }, d = 0x7ffa0a303900 }}, }, static mMaxThreads30405 = -1, static mAuthDbDirPath30405 = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1b074a0}, static sUserName = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1f54290}, static sUserFullName = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1ad70d0}, static sPlatformName = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1a56260}, static sTranslation = {static null = , d = 0x55fdb1a56680}, mIconCache = {d = 0x55fdb2169590}, mCursorCache = {d = 0x55fdb215f500}, mQgisTranslator = 0x55fdb1aaf530, mQtTranslator = 0x55fdb1abe680, mDataItemProviderRegistry = 0x55fdb1f1dd30, mAuthManager = 0x55fdb20098c0, mApplicationMembers = 0x55fdb1ac9550, static sApplicationMembers = 0x0} theme = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } mySplashPath = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0c4c2480 } qgis = retval = customizationsettings = systemEnvVars = {d = 0x55fdb1b06eb0} activeStyleName = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1d7f680} myPixmap = profileFolder = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a4b5d0} w = mypSplash = 0x55fdb1ac9a40 settings = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x7ffa0a6c99e0 , stringdata = 0x7ffa0c592d80 , data = 0x7ffa0c592d40 , static_metacall = 0x7ffa0c43a7e0 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, static sGlobalSettingsPath = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a48950}, mUserSettings = 0x55fdb1b06c00, mGlobalSettings = 0x55fdb1aff280, mUsingGlobalArray = false} useCustomVars = desiredStyle = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdafa1e620 } h = preApplicationLogMessages = {> = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x55fdb1a53830}, d = 0x55fdb1a53830}}, } __FUNCTION__ = "main" mySnapshotFileName = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } configLocalStorageLocation = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a543b0} profileName = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a549e0} mySnapshotWidth = 800 mySnapshotHeight = 600 myHideSplash = false settingsMigrationForce = false mySkipVersionCheck = false hideBrowser = false myRestoreDefaultWindowState = false myRestorePlugins = true myCustomization = true dxfOutputFile = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } dxfSymbologyMode = QgsDxfExport::SymbolLayerSymbology dxfScale = 50000 dxfEncoding = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdafa1ee60 } dxfMapTheme = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } dxfExtent = {mXmin = 0, mYmin = 0, mXmax = 0, mYmax = 0} takeScreenShots = false screenShotsPath = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } screenShotsCategories = 0 myInitialExtent = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdafa1ee20 } translationCode = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a56680} configpath = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } authdbdirectory = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } pythonfile = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } customizationfile = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1b168d0} globalsettingsfile = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a48950} openClProgramFolder = {static null = {}, d = 0x7ffa0a301820 } args = {> = {> = {}, {p = {static shared_null = {ref = {atomic = {_q_value = {> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = -1}, }}}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x55fdb1a53900}, d = 0x55fdb1a53900}}, } myUseGuiFlag = rootProfileFolder = {static null = {}, d = 0x55fdb1a53e20} [Inferior 1 (process 8196) detached] gdb returned 0