Processing algorithm… Algorithm 'v.generalize' starting… Input parameters: { '-l' : True, '-t' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001, 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER' : -1, 'GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO' : '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'alpha' : 1, 'angle_thresh' : 3, 'beta' : 1, 'betweeness_thresh' : 0, 'cats' : '', 'closeness_thresh' : 0, 'degree_thresh' : 0, 'error' : 'C:/Users/eh/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1/02d67684ee2942a2a9a0a5986193d8c0/error.shp', 'input' : QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition('cmr_trs_roads_osm_wfp_gen_10p_proj_f20bf78e_8033_4199_a6a8_5c254fe0c531', True), 'iterations' : 1, 'look_ahead' : 7, 'method' : 8, 'output' : 'C:/Users/eh/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1/73cd7048ae6145a994ea57bb451300f7/output.shp', 'reduction' : 50, 'slide' : 0.5, 'threshold' : 10, 'type' : [0], 'where' : '' } g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" v.external input="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\24155d33f3904de6a41f970dfed06576\input.shp" output="vector_5ba748a8797d95" --overwrite -o g.region n=572044.2305341322 s=549171.467493307 e=1107549.3767264395 w=1081157.0200714036 v.generalize input=vector_5ba748a8797d95 type="line" method="chaiken" threshold=10 look_ahead=7 reduction=50 slide=0.5 angle_thresh=3 degree_thresh=0 closeness_thresh=0 betweeness_thresh=0 alpha=1 beta=1 iterations=1 -l output=outputb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f error=errorb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f --overwrite v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="outputb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f" output="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\73cd7048ae6145a994ea57bb451300f7\output.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="errorb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f" output="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\02d67684ee2942a2a9a0a5986193d8c0\error.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows Executing ... C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" WARNING: Updating spatial reference with embedded proj4 definition WARNING: Datum not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default Projection information updated C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>v.external input="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\24155d33f3904de6a41f970dfed06576\input.shp" output="vector_5ba748a8797d95" --overwrite -o WARNING: Updating spatial reference with embedded proj4 definition WARNING: Datum not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found Over-riding projection check Building topology for vector map ... Using external data format 'ESRI Shapefile' (feature type 'linestring') Registering primitives... One primitive registered 137 vertices registered Number of nodes: 2 Number of primitives: 1 Number of points: 0 Number of lines: 1 Number of boundaries: 0 Number of centroids: 0 Number of areas: 0 Number of isles: 0 v.external complete. Link to vector map created. C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>g.region n=572044.2305341322 s=549171.467493307 e=1107549.3767264395 w=1081157.0200714036 C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>v.generalize input=vector_5ba748a8797d95 type="line" method="chaiken" threshold=10 look_ahead=7 reduction=50 slide=0.5 angle_thresh=3 degree_thresh=0 closeness_thresh=0 betweeness_thresh=0 alpha=1 beta=1 iterations=1 -l output=outputb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f error=errorb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f --overwrite WARNING: Column 'id' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'fclass' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'numlanes' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'gnralspeed' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'rdwidthm' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'iselevated' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'id' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'fclass' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'numlanes' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'gnralspeed' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'rdwidthm' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Column 'iselevated' : type int8 (bigint) is stored as integer (4 bytes) some data may be damaged WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unknown type WARNING: Unable to create index WARNING: Unable to copy table for layer 1 from to Copying features... 100 Building topology for vector map ... Registering primitives... One primitive registered 137 vertices registered Building areas... 0..100 0 areas built 0 isles built Attaching islands... Attaching centroids... 100 Number of nodes: 2 Number of primitives: 1 Number of points: 0 Number of lines: 1 Number of boundaries: 0 Number of centroids: 0 Number of areas: 0 Number of isles: 0 ----------------------------------------------------- Generalization (chaiken)... Using threshold: 10 meters 100 ----------------------------------------------------- Building topology for vector map ... Registering primitives... One primitive registered 920 vertices registered Building areas... 0..100 0 areas built 0 isles built Attaching islands... Attaching centroids... 100 Number of nodes: 2 Number of primitives: 1 Number of points: 0 Number of lines: 1 Number of boundaries: 0 Number of centroids: 0 Number of areas: 0 Number of isles: 0 Building topology for vector map ... Registering primitives... 0 primitives registered 0 vertices registered Building areas... 100 0 areas built 0 isles built Attaching islands... Attaching centroids... Number of nodes: 0 Number of primitives: 0 Number of points: 0 Number of lines: 0 Number of boundaries: 0 Number of centroids: 0 Number of areas: 0 Number of isles: 0 ----------------------------------------------------- v.generalize complete. Number of vertices for selected features changed from 137 to 920 (671% remaining) C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="outputb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f" output="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\73cd7048ae6145a994ea57bb451300f7\output.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite ERROR: Key column <> not found C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="errorb04adb665be442a797fd486164968d2f" output="C:\Users\eh\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_b6c8ed9523f64dad8f2de92c1f077ab1\02d67684ee2942a2a9a0a5986193d8c0\error.shp" format="ESRI_Shapefile" --overwrite WARNING: Unable to determine input map's vector feature type(s). WARNING: No attribute table found -> using only category numbers as attributes WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Unknown (any) type) written to (ESRI_Shapefile format). C:\OSGEO4~1\bin>exit Execution of finished. Cleaning up temporary files... Execution completed in 3.64 seconds Results: {'error': , 'output': } Loading resulting layers Algorithm 'v.generalize' finished