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[FEATURE][processing] New dbscan spatial clustering algorithm
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Implements an optimised DBSCAN density based scanning cluster approach
for clustering 2d point features.
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nyalldawson committed Jul 16, 2018
1 parent e9f85f5 commit c21fe59
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Showing 4 changed files with 375 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/analysis/CMakeLists.txt
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301 changes: 301 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
begin : July 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Nyall Dawson
email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *

#include "qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.h"
#include "qgsspatialindexkdbush.h"
#include <unordered_set>

///@cond PRIVATE

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::name() const
return QStringLiteral( "dbscanclustering" );

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::displayName() const
return QObject::tr( "DBSCAN clustering" );

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::shortDescription() const
return QObject::tr( "Clusters point features using a density based scan algorithm." );

QStringList QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::tags() const
return QObject::tr( "clustering,clusters,density,based,points" ).split( ',' );

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::group() const
return QObject::tr( "Vector analysis" );

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::groupId() const
return QStringLiteral( "vectoranalysis" );

void QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::initAlgorithm( const QVariantMap & )
addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource( QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ),
QObject::tr( "Input layer" ), QList< int >() << QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPoint ) );
addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterNumber( QStringLiteral( "MIN_SIZE" ), QObject::tr( "Minimum cluster size" ),
QgsProcessingParameterNumber::Integer, 5, false, 1 ) );
addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterDistance( QStringLiteral( "EPS" ),
QObject::tr( "Maximum distance between clustered points" ), 1, QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ), false, 0 ) );

auto dbscanStarParam = qgis::make_unique<QgsProcessingParameterBoolean>( QStringLiteral( "DBSCAN*" ),
QObject::tr( "Treat border points as noise (DBSCAN*)" ), false, true );
dbscanStarParam->setFlags( dbscanStarParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
addParameter( dbscanStarParam.release() );

auto fieldNameParam = qgis::make_unique<QgsProcessingParameterString>( QStringLiteral( "FIELD_NAME" ),
QObject::tr( "Cluster field name" ), QStringLiteral( "CLUSTER_ID" ) );
fieldNameParam->setFlags( fieldNameParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
addParameter( fieldNameParam.release() );

addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), QObject::tr( "Clusters" ), QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPoint ) );

QString QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::shortHelpString() const
return QObject::tr( "Clusters point features based on a 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm.\n\n"
"The algorithm requires two parameters, a minimum cluster size (“minPts”), and the maximum distance allowed between clustered points (“eps”)." );

QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm *QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::createInstance() const
return new QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm();

struct KDBushDataEqualById
bool operator()( const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData &a, const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData &b ) const
return ==;

struct KDBushDataHashById
std::size_t operator()( const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData &a ) const
return std::hash< QgsFeatureId > {}( );

bool operator <( const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData &data, const QgsFeatureId id )
return < id;

bool operator <( const QgsFeatureId id, const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData &data )
return id <;

QVariantMap QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingFeatureSource > source( parameterAsSource( parameters, QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ), context ) );
if ( !source )
throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSourceError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ) ) );

const std::size_t minSize = static_cast< std::size_t>( parameterAsInt( parameters, QStringLiteral( "MIN_SIZE" ), context ) );
const double eps = parameterAsDouble( parameters, QStringLiteral( "EPS" ), context );
const bool borderPointsAreNoise = parameterAsBool( parameters, QStringLiteral( "DBSCAN*" ), context );

QgsFields outputFields = source->fields();
const QString clusterFieldName = parameterAsString( parameters, QStringLiteral( "FIELD_NAME" ), context );
QgsFields newFields;
newFields.append( QgsField( clusterFieldName, QVariant::Int ) );
outputFields = QgsProcessingUtils::combineFields( outputFields, newFields );

QString dest;
std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > sink( parameterAsSink( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), context, dest, outputFields, source->wkbType(), source->sourceCrs() ) );
if ( !sink )
throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSinkError( parameters, QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ) );

// build spatial index
feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Building spatial index" ) );
QgsSpatialIndexKDBush index( *source, feedback );
if ( feedback->isCanceled() )
return QVariantMap();

// dbscan!
feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Analysing clusters" ) );
std::unordered_map< QgsFeatureId, int> idToCluster;
idToCluster.reserve( index.size() );
QgsFeatureIterator features = source->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) );
const long featureCount = source->featureCount();

dbscan( minSize, eps, borderPointsAreNoise, featureCount, features, index, idToCluster, feedback );

// write clusters
const double writeStep = featureCount > 0 ? 10.0 / featureCount : 1;
features = source->getFeatures();
int i = 0;
QgsFeature feat;
while ( features.nextFeature( feat ) )
if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

feedback->setProgress( 90 + i * writeStep );
QgsAttributes attr = feat.attributes();
auto cluster = idToCluster.find( );
if ( cluster != idToCluster.end() )
attr << cluster->second;
attr << QVariant();
feat.setAttributes( attr );
sink->addFeature( feat, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );

QVariantMap outputs;
outputs.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), dest );
return outputs;

void QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm::dbscan( const std::size_t minSize,
const double eps,
const bool borderPointsAreNoise,
const long featureCount,
QgsFeatureIterator features,
QgsSpatialIndexKDBush &index,
std::unordered_map< QgsFeatureId, int> &idToCluster,
QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
const double step = featureCount > 0 ? 90.0 / featureCount : 1;

std::unordered_set< QgsFeatureId > visited;
visited.reserve( index.size() );

QgsFeature feat;
int clusterIdx = 0;
int i = 0;

while ( features.nextFeature( feat ) )
if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

if ( !feat.hasGeometry() )
feedback->setProgress( ++i * step );

if ( visited.find( ) != visited.end() )
// already visited!

QgsPointXY point;
if ( QgsWkbTypes::flatType( feat.geometry().wkbType() ) == QgsWkbTypes::Point )
point = QgsPointXY( *qgsgeometry_cast< const QgsPoint * >( feat.geometry().constGet() ) );
// not a point geometry
feedback->reportError( QObject::tr( "Feature %1 is a %2 feature, not a point." ).arg( ).arg( QgsWkbTypes::displayString( feat.geometry().wkbType() ) ) );
feedback->setProgress( ++i * step );

std::unordered_set< QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData, KDBushDataHashById, KDBushDataEqualById> within;

if ( minSize > 1 )
index.within( point, eps, [ &within]( const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData & data )
within.insert( data );
} );
if ( within.size() < minSize )

visited.insert( );
// optimised case for minSize == 1, we can skip the initial check
within.insert( QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData(, point.x(), point.y() ) );

// start new cluster
idToCluster[ ] = clusterIdx;
feedback->setProgress( ++i * step );

while ( !within.empty() )
if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData j = *within.begin();
within.erase( within.begin() );

if ( visited.find( ) != visited.end() )
// already visited!

visited.insert( );
feedback->setProgress( ++i * step );

// check from this point
QgsPointXY point2 = j.point();

std::unordered_set< QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData, KDBushDataHashById, KDBushDataEqualById > within2;
index.within( point2, eps, [&within2]( const QgsSpatialIndexKDBushData & data )
within2.insert( data );
} );
if ( within2.size() >= minSize )
// expand neighbourhood
std::set_difference( within2.begin(),
visited.begin(), visited.end(),
std::inserter( within, within.end() ) );
if ( !borderPointsAreNoise || within2.size() >= minSize )
idToCluster[ ] = clusterIdx;


71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
begin : July 2018
copyright : (C) 2018 by Nyall Dawson
email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com

* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *


#define SIP_NO_FILE

#include "qgis.h"
#include "qgis_analysis.h"
#include "qgsprocessingalgorithm.h"
#include <unordered_map>

class QgsSpatialIndexKDBush;

///@cond PRIVATE

* Native k-means clustering algorithm.
class ANALYSIS_EXPORT QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm : public QgsProcessingAlgorithm


QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm() = default;
void initAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &configuration = QVariantMap() ) override;
QString name() const override;
QString displayName() const override;
QString shortDescription() const override;
QStringList tags() const override;
QString group() const override;
QString groupId() const override;
QString shortHelpString() const override;
QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm *createInstance() const override SIP_FACTORY;


QVariantMap processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters,
QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback ) override;
static void dbscan( std::size_t minSize,
double eps,
bool borderPointsAreNoise,
long featureCount,
QgsFeatureIterator features,
QgsSpatialIndexKDBush &index,
std::unordered_map< QgsFeatureId, int> &idToCluster,
QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback );

///@endcond PRIVATE


2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/processing/qgsnativealgorithms.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "qgsalgorithmcentroid.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmclip.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmconvexhull.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmdbscanclustering.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmdifference.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmdissolve.h"
#include "qgsalgorithmdropgeometry.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ void QgsNativeAlgorithms::loadAlgorithms()
addAlgorithm( new QgsClipAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsCollectAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsConvexHullAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsDbscanClusteringAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsDifferenceAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsDissolveAlgorithm() );
addAlgorithm( new QgsDropGeometryAlgorithm() );
Expand Down

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