Bug report #20666

Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 5 years ago

*new description*

when embedding a layer from another project, if the layer has a join, then in the embedded layer the joined attributes are only visible after refresh the map canvas.

*old description*
Joined two layers "parcel" with "owner" layer after the fields of type string.
Options join:
- cache join layer in virtual memory: off
- create attribute index on join field: off
- choose which fields are join: on
- custom field name prefix: off

In layers "parcel" is visiblited fields "owner" layers - project is save .
When will he use the option "Embed layers and group" in other project in layer "parcel" is not visible fields "owner" layers.

When record in layer "pracel" is less than 20000, "owner" layers fields are visiblited.
