Feature request #21977

More control over font style in composer labels and legend

Added by Mathieu Paradis about 5 years ago.

Category:Map Composer/Printing
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29792



Since we should always cite the source of the data we use, I find more simple to add the source and year between bracket in the name of the layer so it shows in the legend once I get to the composer. Now I'd like to make it better by putting everything between the brackets in italic without affecting the rest of the layer name. This could be very useful for latin names also or for any situation where you want to highlight parts of a layer name.

Other softwares allow control over the style of a parts of the text string in legend or pretty much any label/text box. Here is an example :

"Lorem ipsum random text <ITA>blablabla</ITA>" will appear as "Lorem ipsum random text blablabla"

You could also set it to bold or underlined this way.

This feature would increase our ability to make "professionnal looking" maps with QGIS.


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